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It was 8AM.
Kira had woken up. She turned over to rest her hand on Malia's waist, but she was confused when she couldn't feel anyone there.
She opened her eyes and saw a note.

Hey gorgeous. I wanted to make this date as special as it could be. Meet Derek and Peter in the lobby at 9AM.

Kira blinked her eyes. She then blushed immensely. No one had ever done this before and she was loving it. She looked across the room and saw Lydia and Allison fast asleep ontop of each other.
She smiled, thinking it'd be her and Malia soon.
She hopped out of bed and headed to the shower. She took a quick and steamy one before getting out. She brushed her white teeth and did her makeup. Then, she grabbed the hair curlers and curled her hair cutely. She dressed in a short, floral and flowy dress. She put her heels on, trying not to wake the girls. Malia was taller than Kira. She hoped Malia didn't wear heels too. She did a mini twirl before leaving the room quietly.

She paced herself downstairs. She was excited, it was her first time going on a date with a girl, but it couldn't feel any better.
She met with Peter and Derek who gave her a smile.
They all greeted each other.
"Look after Malia, will you? She tends to get quite hyper" Peter winked.
Kira blushed and looked at the floor and back up at the two werewolves.
"I will look after her, I promise!"
Kira grinned.
Derek pulled out an envelope from behind him and handed it to Kira.
Her grin widened and she took the envelope happily.
She opened it and read the words on the page.

It's so loud and noisy here! Come quick! The animals want to see you.

Kira tilted her head. Then, it clicked.
"The zoo!" Kira said proudly.
Peter smiled. "Honolulu Zoo"
Kira nodded and swiftly walked outside the hotel.
"Ah, you remember young love Derek? So passionate. Wish I could go back to those days" Peter said dreamily.
"Yeah. Mind ended where I had to kill the love of my life which changed the colour of my eyes and took away a bit of my soul. So passionate" Derek said painfully.
"Touchè" Peter smirked.

Kira waved for a taxi. It soon arrived.
"Honolulu zoo please!" Kira smiled.
The old man smiled happily when he saw Kira happy.
People were so nice in Hawaii.
They drove for about 20 minutes.
"How much, sir?" Kira asked patiently.
"Free off charge! This taxi was sent to you and already paid for by Malia Hale" The taxi driver said.
He knew the two were in love and despite only seeing them for a few minutes, he knew it was true love.
Kira was speechless. No one made this kind of effort for her.
"O-oh thanks!" Kira said politely before exiting the car.

She walked in the entrance and met with the ticket woman.
"One ticket please!" Kira smiled.
"What's your name, miss?" The woman said politely.
The woman smiled.
"Someone already paid for your ticket! You can head inside!" The woman said.
Kira looked at her, she started grinning immensely and couldn't stop. She walked inside and she finally saw the woman of her dreams.
Malia turned around and saw Kira.
Malia wore a long, white flowy dress, with shades and a straw hat with a white ribbon wrapped around it. Kira was thankful, she saw she was wearing white sandals. No heels!
Kira was mesmerised by Malia's beauty and she didn't even realise Malia walking towards her.
"Ready?" Malia asked, slowly reaching for Kira's hand.
Kira nodded her head and gripped Malia's hand tightly.

They explored the zoo, laughing and giggling at all the exotic animals.
They'd often stop and sit down talking to each other.
They were both having an amazing time.


The whole pack knew about Malia and Kira's date so they weren't worried that they were missing.

"Alright peasants, get ready. We're going to the aquarium!" Peter said joyfully.
Everyone cheered except for Theo and Isaac. They hated anything related to the sea.
"Uh, can I sit out on this one?" Isaac asked sheepishly.
"Y-yeah me too!" Theo said.
Isaac was shocked. He didn't know Theo disliked sea related things.
"C'mon! It won't be the same without you guys! Especially because Malia and Kira are busy today" Allison said sadly.
"It's okay, if they don't feel up to it, we can't force them" Scott said clearly.
The pack nodded and started to leave the hotel.
Isaac and Theo both decided it was best to stick together rather than spending the day alone.
They looked at one another.
"What now?" Theo asked.
"Up to you" Isaac responded.
They were deciding what to do for about 5 minutes now.
"Okay what if we just to back up to the hotel room and get some rest?" Theo said finally.
They both trudged back upstairs and into their hotel room.
They plopped on their separate beds.
"Ow!" Theo mumbled. He hit his head on something small when his head landed on the pillow.
He lifted the pillow to find Liam's DS.

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