🤬🗯Fuck you Ethan😡🖕

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Before we start this chapter, I'd like to give a special thanks to MrsMarais123 for creating this amazing idea! All plot credits go to MrsMarais123 for this chapter✨

Stiles was tied to the bed, system full of lichen. The zip ties were double wrapped with electric wiring. On one side, the wires were connected to the door, electrifying it. On the other side, it was connected to a small box with a dial ranking from 0 - 10 on it. Everytime Ethan turns the dial up to 1 or more, Stiles is electrofied. The pain gets worse, the higher the number...

Stiles was shuddering, his breath was shakey...
"Ethan please! Let me go, I didn't do anything to you!" Stiles pleaded.
Ethan chuckled, "Nothing? You son of a bitch. You stole Isaac from me!"
Stiles looked deadpanned for a second.
"I didn't steal him! You drove him away!"
Ethan smirked as he turned the dial up to 5.
"NO PLEASE ETHAN LISTEN!" Stiles pleaded.

"Guys the wolfsbane is wearing off, soon I'll be able to open the door!" Kira said.
"Soon?! He could be dying in there!" Isaac grabbed Kira's hand and pushed it towards the door knob.
Malia growled, "Isaac! You're hurting her!"
Isaac reluctantly let go and sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and let his back hit the wall. He slowly slid down it until he was sitting, head in his hands.
"It's all my fault" Isaac sobbed.
Malia crouched down next to Isaac and placed a hand on his back.
"I know it is" Malia said softly and stroked the back of his back.
Isaac was shocked and looked up at her, which then Kira pulled Malia away and took her spot.
"What she meant to say was, it wasn't your fault. Ethan's just a evil cocksucker!" Kira comforted.
Isaac smirked, "Literally"

Ethan returned the dial back down to 0.

Stiles gasped, it felt like all the air had been sucked out of him. He couldn't scream anymore, it was too much. His mind flickered through all the pack members, Isaac stayed the longest but he finally landed on Theo. For a second, Stiles was confused. Then a memory flashed in his head.


Hey Theo, how did you ever get free from those hunters anyway?"

"Which time?" Theo Chuckles.

"That time where that sicko from Eichen House was electrofying you"

"Stupid idiot used zip ties. The plasic got burned and loose from the electrofying. I just broke out and gave the bastard what he deserved"


Stiles opened his eyes wide, which he hadn't realised he had squeezed tight.
His head whipped down to his hands, he was gasping heavily. He heard Ethan talking but he couldn't make out specifically what was being said.
The tip zies were a bright red colour.

Stiles' eyes glanced down to the floor and he saw an arrow sticking out.
He then remembered, Allison left her bow and arrow under the bed.
Yes! If I can get free, I can shoot Ethan... No, he has wolf relfexes the stupid bastard will catch it... I'll shoot the box with the dial on it, yeah, that way the pack can get in, Stiles thought.

Ethan stopped talking and stood up. He walked over to the night stand and his hands ghosted over the various knives layed out.
Stiles caught a glimpse of a long katana perched up against the wall.
"Hm, how about I cut your ear off first. Or maybe, your eye" Ethan chuckled then continued, "So many options"
Stiles squeezed his eyes shut and gathered all of his mundane strength he had left. He couldn't use Void's strength as he was currently poisoned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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