Chapter 4

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You woke up not feeling any better than before, even worse to be honest. You had a killer migraine, your head pounding so hard you could practically hear it. So you slowly began to sit up in your still-warm bed, but immediately groaned as you managed to get up in a sitting position.

Just as you did, Steve came in the room, hearing you from next door. "How're you feeling doll?" He asked and sat next to your legs on the bed, feeling your head again with the back of his hand.

"To be honest?" You asked lightly and he nodded, "Horrible." He sighed and took his hand off, looking back at you.

"You're burning up." He cringed. You nodded. "I called my doctor, he will be here in about half an hour."

"Alright," You lightly nodded, pulling more covers up to get more heat.

"I'll bring you some more blankets." He lightly smiled and got up, leaving the room to grab some for you.

Of course, Steve was freaking out. He wouldn't show it, for the sake of his reputation and not freaking you out, but he wanted to make sure you were okay. He shortly came back with three or four throw blankets, carefully placing them on you and staying beside you until the doorbell rang.

One of his assistants let them in, so Steve could stay right by your side. Soon enough, Dr. Blaire came in. He was a tall, slender, older man, who had a kind and easy-going smile on his face. "Mr. Rogers," He walked in, Steve briefly getting up to shake his hand.

"Dr. Blaire, thank you so much for coming on short notice."

"It's my pleasure," he remarked and looked to you.

"I'm Y/N." You told him and quickly shook his hand.

"So, you're my patient today?" he asked and sat where Steve had previously set himself on the bed. You nodded, "Can you tell me some of your symptoms?"

"Yeah, I have a migraine, I'm really tired, and earlier today I threw up."

"Alright," he said and wrote a few things down. Then he took your temperature, blood pressure, the typical. The entire time Steve stood in a corner eyeing every movement the doctor made. Of course, he trusted him, but he wasn't sure how much he trusted anyone but himself around you.

"While you were in The Compound," he began, "Did they give you any medication?"

"Yeah, actually," You said, tucking some hair behind your ear, "There were these small pink pills, hormonal ones I think." The doctor's head shot up to you.

"When was the last time you had your heat?" He asked, concern on his face.

"I only had it once. I was 18, and then I was taken away after the first one."

"That's it," He said aloud, "Those pills, they're known in the medical community as 'Illegal Omegas', they were outlawed six months after release to the public. They were like birth control but stopped heats completely. These exact symptoms are what every woman faced when they didn't take daily doses, sometimes it was lethal-"

"Lethal?" Steve spoke up, stepping closer, his arms crossed across his torso.

"Yes, lethal," The doctor sighed, as you began to worry, "But there is a medication that will subside all the symptoms in about 12 hours-"

"We'll take it." Steve immediately said. The doctor sighed.

"Well, I would like to warn you that it is quite expensive-"

"Doesn't matter." Steve interrupted again.

"And your symptoms will be worst for the next 12 hours. Shortly after that mark though, they will subside."

"It's fine," You sighed, "I can handle it." He nodded and wrote some things down.

"The medication is simple. Two pills and one injection," You nodded, "The injection will probably hurt. The needle is quite long, and the serum is thick and cold."

"That's fine," I said, "It's just a poke." Dr. Blaire lightly smiled and grabbed a few things from his bag, one of which is a syringe with a long-needle like he'd told you. Then he got out a small bottle and filled up the syringe as you altered your position so he had access to your arm.

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