Chapter 9

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(A/N: Alright, so here's the deal kiddos. I don't write smut. I'm not anti-smut, I just don't write it. And that's for a variety of reasons including I don't have personal experience. That being said, this chapter is kinda difficult to do without smut. So there are pretty obvious mentions of smutty things, but nothing descriptive. Just giving you a heads up.)

Steve was incredibly stressed out recently.

He would come home every day looking stressed, dark black bags set under his eyes, and you knew he felt even more stressed. You had taken it upon yourself to start making dinner for him every night, giving Mark more time off. Steve said he didn't mind, he had begun to like your food a lot more. It gave him a sense of comfort.

Steve had a very early meeting today, he had warned you about that the night prior. You had woken up, no Steve next to you, feeling slightly nauseous, so you ran to the bathroom and took a moment to throw up. You didn't think much of it, you may have just eaten something weird.

That was until you got a searing cramp in your lower abdomen. It felt like a dozen knives twisting within your flesh, over and over. You groaned at the feeling, assuming no one was there. But of course, Kat came in. "Y/N?" She asked and knocked on the master bathroom door.

"Yeah?" You croaked out, leaning against the toilet, holding your stomach with your arms. Even though you knew it had no effect, you had no clue what else to do.

"Are you alright?" She asked concern laced within her voice. You groaned again, "Can I at least come in?" She asked a moment later.

"Sure," You sighed, taking deep breaths. She walked in, seeing your slumped body and red face.

"Oh sweetheart," She ran over crouching down next to you, placing her hand on your back and running it in circles. Then you got a random wave of heat, breaking out in a heavy sweat. "Do you want me to call Steve?" You shook your head, "I think I may need to-"

"No," You stated adamantly, "He's already stressed enough," You took a deep breath as another cramp seared through your body, "I'm fine. I'll just need some painkillers."

"You're in your heat, aren't you?" She asked. You nodded. "Alright, I know Steve keeps some of his super-high dose pain killers in the gym. I'll go check for them and make sure you can take them. Why don't you take an ice bath? It'll cool you down." You agreed as she helped you up. 

She ran out to the gym, as you slumped over to the huge tub Steve had, overlooking the city. You turned on the cool water, stripping all of your clothes beside your undergarments, letting a wave of cool relief wash over you.

Kat came back in, confirming you could take two of his high dosage pills every 12 hours. You agreed as she placed two down on the counter along with a glass of water. You thanked her before she left.

You anxiously swallowed the small blue tablets with the water, before completely stripping and getting in the tub. You sighed at the relaxing feeling of the cool water hitting your skin. You placed your head back, letting yourself relax for quite a few minutes.

A few minutes turned into an hour, and you finally decided it was probably time to get out. You quickly rubbed yourself with a towel and went to your closet finding a sports bra and sports shorts, putting those on. You would rather be bare, but that wasn't necessarily acceptable you thought.

So you ended up laying on the bed all day, setting the temperature to 60 degrees, and sitting on the AC vent when you got too hot. The cramps slightly subsided to a manageable amount, but the heat waves and nausea didn't. You managed to grab one of Steve's shirts too and took his side of the bed. It all smelled like him, which actually made most of the cramps a little better.

So hours went on while you were in this state. You hadn't really eaten, only drank some cold water. When Steve got home at five, you didn't even hear him, you could smell him. And damn did it drive you wild.

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