Chapter 14

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"C'mon, Y/N." Steve called you, "We're gonna be late!"

"Just a sec!" You were in the midst of a rush job of blush on your cheeks, getting ready to meet Bucky and Rachel. You slipped on a pair of plain white sneakers, running out to see Steve. He smiled at you, giving you a quick up and down and grabbing your hand.

The two of you walked side by side down a few gorgeous brick roads, you couldn't help but take in the elegant scenery placed in columns of older buildings. It was surprisingly not all that crowded, a few people walked past you, and of course, Steve's security guards were a few yards in front and behind the pair of you.

You arrived at a small corner cafe, seemingly crowded with all different walks of people bustling about. Steve led you to a small table in the back, where Bucky and Rachel were already seated. When they saw the two of you approaching they immediatly smiled. "Hey man," Bucky stood up, giving Steve a quick hug.

"Hey, Buck," He smiled right back, "You still holding up?"

"I'm still upright and breathing." He smirked. You said hello to Rachel, gave her a quick hug, and the four of you sat down. You skimmed the menu, ordering realitively quickly, and soon got onto conversation.

"So you two will have almost all day to yourselves," Bucky began. "Steve and I have some bussiness type stuff we need to get through today." The two of you nodded, as you felt Steve's hand rub soft circles on you back, his arm on the back of your chair. "So you two can go shopping, do whatever you want to do."

"Seems like a misogynistic comment to me, Bucky." Rachel said, looking at him. You wanted to lightly chuckle, as commentary between the two of them was not uncommon, instead it was a part of their relationship.

Bucky and Rachel easily reminded you of an old couple. You could tell they loved each other dearly, but one of the ways they showed that was through stupid and dumb arguments and commentary that after five minutes was forgotten about.

Bucky rolled his eyes, "You knew it was not meant like that."

"I don't know, was it?" She smirked a little. This time Steve lightly chuckled.

"Hey, don't encourage her." Bucky snapped at him.

"It's only 9 am," You told Bucky, "You're analysis of each other's intentions regarding your individual idiom is not imperative to the conversation." Bucky gave you a dumb founded look.

"Has anyone ever told you you literally sound like a dictonary?" Steve laughed.

"She's just smart, Buck," He replied, "She has stuff in her brain. You wouldn't know it, of course."

"Hey! If you're implying I don't have a brain then you're very wrong."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Rachel smiled, Bucky glared at her. Just then all the food came out and you began to eat.

It was a bad habit you and Steve had, but typically you would only eat half of the portion you got at restaurants. Especially larger ones. But Steve, being the super soldier he was, could obviously inhale and entire meal in five minutes. So, as per usual, once you were finished with half of what you had, Steve was discretely (or not) eat the rest, taking bite by bite from your plate which was still in front of you.

"You two have fun, okay?" Steve told you once you were outside of the restaurant, a car waiting for you, "Be safe." He gave you a quick kiss, Bucky giving one to Rachel too, before the boys said goodbye and got into a different car.

"Men," Rachel sighed, both of you now inside the black SUV, comfortably seated in the second row. "They can be handfuls." You light laughed, but agreed with a subtle nod. "I'm really excited, ya know?" She spoke, "I love Bucky a lot, but I like to have breaks sometimes."

"Like some freedom?" You asked, she nodded, "I get it. Steve and I have talked about it a lot."

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