Chapter 22

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You and Steve were running around frantically, making sure everything was set in its correct place. Well, mainly you.

"Y/N, sweetheart, everything is fine," Steve told you. You were making sure every plate was set perfectly as the rest, the bar was fully stocked, and the food was being prepared.

"I just want to be sure Steve," You said.

"Doll, we've had people over here, many times before."

"But not for a dinner party for some of the most elite people in the world!" You argued, "And in celebration of Alexander Pierce being out of office." Steve placed his arm around you, giving a kiss to the top of your head.

"Everything's perfect darling, you did great." You leaned up and gave him a kiss before glancing at your watch.

"They should be here any minute now-" And right on cue, the doorbell rang, both you and Steve exchanging a quick glance before walking together to greet whoever was on the other side of the door.

You were in a gorgeous short gold dress, sleeveless on one side, the other had a long sleeve. Your hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and you had a diamond choker, bracelet, earrings, and shoes, which you liked to say complimented the ring Steve gave you.

First was Bucky and Rachel of course, they were usually the first to show up to anything you two were hosting. "Hey, Punk." Bucky hugged Steve.

"Jerk." Steve hugged back. You and Rachel too engaged in a hug before letting go.

"You don't always have to look this gorgeous, ya know?" Rachel told you. You lightly laughed.

"Oh stop, you look absolutely stunning." You responded. The four of you grabbed a few drinks before briefly sitting down on the couch. It only took 10 minutes before a constant flow of people began coming into the penthouse.

It was Sam and Lyla next, then Tony and Pepper, then Shuri and her wonderful brother T'Challa (who happened to be a world leader), and finally Thor (a previous Avenger) and Jane (a Nobel prize winner).

The 12 of you sat down at the large dinner table, all sipping between an expensive bottle of glittering champagne and drinks of everyone's choice. Everyone was talking to a group of two or three people at a time, various conversations and laughter filling up the dinner table.

"There was this one time," Thor brought up, his thick accent coming in, "That we were on a mission- I believe it was, uh, Syberia?"

"I remember this!" Sam exclaimed and began hysterically laughing, Thor did the same.

"And Steve was running, incredibly fast as one does," He began, "And slipped on a patch of uh- what is it called-"

"Oh, the black ice story!" Bucky began laughing himself, "Yeah and he fell right on his ass."

"Shut up." Steve lightly smiled taking a sip of his own drink.

"It was like a huge 'thump' noise and we turn around, and Steve was just sitting there. In visible pain." You all began laughing at the image of Steve, all uniformed, and being taken down by black ice. You took another sip of your champagne, Steve placing his hand on your thigh and giving it a light squeeze. You smiled at him, placing your hand on his from where he sat at the head of the table.

The conversation continued until the food finally came. You had to admit it was absolutely delicious. You were glad you and Steve had chosen a wonderful chicken pasta that everyone indulged in. "It's a relief Pierce was removed." Bucky sighed, "He deserves every inch of that."

"And his time's not done," Steve added, "Considering we have our own case against him.

"It just feels like everything's okay now," Rachel said and everyone nodded and hummed in agreement.

It wasn't but five seconds later that everyone phones began blaring, a hideous alarm going off. You all grabbed them, the incoherent and unorganized sounds continued until all of you pressed the disable button. But of course, there displayed a message as all phones do.

Everyone began reviewing what it had said, some confused looks turned into ones of fear. Your own mind froze as your heart did. "Shit," Steve muttered frantically getting up, he looked to Bucky, then Sam, then T'challa, then Thor, then Tony. "You know what to do."

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