Chapter 17

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"You mean we need to plan for a cake... eight months in advance?" Steve questioned you, looking more confused by the second.

"Apparently, yes," You sighed, "I don't know, I've never planned a wedding before Steve!"

"I know," He said, placing his hand lightly on the small of your back, "But that's why we hired one. The best one." You had to admit Wanda was the best of the best when it came to weddings. You weren't sure what it was... it was as if she could see the future. But she was by far the most expensive and hardest to get. Steve paid a very hefty price for her to clear almost all of the previous weddings that would have been in the way of yours, despite some of your petitions to not ruin the days for the other couples. But Steve didn't care, he wanted the best for both of you. And that meant the best wedding.

However, he took little to no care in regards to what the wedding really was. Aesthetics didn't matter, but he wanted some say in location and guests. He was paying for it after all. "Will this Thursday at 4 work?" You asked as you texted Wanda.

"Yeah it should," He tossed a pretzel that you two were eating into his mouth. "And if not I can move around some meetings."

"You sure?" You asked, "I'm sure there's another time-"

"No, no," He went up to you and gave you a kiss to stop you from talking anymore, "This is the priority. If I need to move around some meetings or tell someone else to do it I will."

"Steve you really don't have to do that." You insisted, "Trust me, you're busy I know."

"And I've been too busy," He admitted, "I have hundreds if not thousands of people working for me, and I still can't find time to spend with my fiancee."

"You spend time with me," You snapped back to him, justifying something that for the longest time you had been pissed at him for.

"Well, I would like to spend a lot more with you, as long as you're okay with it."

"I won't object." You admitted, standing next to him and leaning your head on his bicep, "We're still going for a traditional wedding theme with a hint of art deco right?" You asked him, actively texting Wanda.

"Yeah, of course."

"And we're still looking for the dark bronze accents, right? I was thinking maybe a pink pastel too but I don't know if they would end up clashing-" Steve grabbed onto your waste and sighed, interrupting you.

"You know I hired an expensive wedding planner for a reason, right?" He lightly laughed, "So you wouldn't have to stress at all."

"I've been telling you not to stress for the last six months, and you haven't listened."

"Well you have to listen to me," He placed his middle and index fingers on your chin, lifting your head up to look at him in the eyes effortlessly. You rolled them in response. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" (Lowkey getting Christian Gray vibes not gonna lie)

"Did I?" You snapped back.

"That's it." He leaned down in less than a second, grabbing your body and placing you over and onto his shoulders so you were seated sideways. You squealed in response. Once you were laying on him you began to squirm, but his grip was far too tight. He quickly took his hand and of course slapped your ass making you yelp.

"Steven put me down! Now!" You said and pouted. He lightly laughed.

"No can do sweetheart," He said, "Gonna have to make you listen to me first."

-Time skip-

"Which one do you two like best?" You were sitting across from Wanda at your dining table next to Steve. The whole meeting ordeal was extremely casual. Steve was wearing jeans and a loose button-up, you in a pair of jeans with a hoodie, hair in a high ponytail.

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