Chapter 6

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Steve's three days of break for you quickly wrapped up, and he was back at the office 9 to 5.

You were sure you would be bored and unoccupied during the hours he wasn't there. Sure he had a library with practically every book imaginable, two pools, and countless things to do in your large home, but Steve sat down with you to explain the one expectation and limitation he had.

"I need you to meet with the wives and significant others of investors," He began, "The first week I'll just have you sit down with Rachel and Lyla, and a few of my worker's wives so you can get used to it. I don't want to push you into weird situations, I want to warm you up, but you're going to be a huge help to the business." You nodded, knowing you couldn't disagree considering he was your Alpha.

"So what will I do exactly?" You wanted to know, taking a brief sip of your wine.

"Have brunch with the wives," He sighed, "I know it sounds extremely boring, and they'll probably want to talk about yoga and some shit. I also know you have much larger potential than that, but at least this will be something to do during the day for now, and it will help me and the business."

"Alright," You said, "When does this start?"

"Tomorrow a driver will be here at 10:30 to pick you up. You're going to brunch with Lyla and Rachel." He said, "Obviously all these meetings will be on us, the company, so there will be no worry about pricing or payment." You nodded. "Also, here's your new phone." He brought out a brand new silver iPhone, obviously a plus one judging by its size. "I wasn't sure what color you wanted, so I got a silver one." You nodded.

"Thanks, Steve."

"No problem," He lightly smiled, "You needed one. And you're doing me a huge favor with going out to lunch with these people." You nodded. It wasn't really a favor as you had no choice, but you didn't mind the recognition. "We should probably get to bed sweetheart, we have an early start tomorrow." You followed him into your room, where you took a shower and went off to bed.

The next morning you woke up at 8, after setting an alarm. Grudgingly you got out of bed, and walked down to the dining room where Steve was sitting as he always did, with his newspaper and coffee, but this time in his suit, which you had to admit, he looked really hot in. "Good morning beautiful." He smiled when he saw you, looking up.

"Good morning." You smiled back and sat next to him at the dining room table.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Well," You answered, "You?"

"Great," He lightly smiled and placed the newspaper down, giving his undivided attention to you. "I just got some eggs and fruit for breakfast, trying to keep it light." You nodded.

"Sounds great," You responded, "So what do you have to do today?" You asked. He looked slightly shocked at you when you asked, "Oh, I'm sorry," You retracted, partially embarrassed, "I shouldn't have asked, that's not my place to."

"No it's fine," He insisted, "It's kinda nice. No one really asks." He sighed, "I have a few meetings, a lunch meeting too, and I have to sit in on a pitch." You nodded.

"Doesn't sound really exciting." You admitted and he lightly chuckled.

"It never is." Just then the food came, and you began eating. After breakfast, he got up and said goodbye, leaving to go off to work.

You wandered back to your new walk-in closet and chose a pair of army green paper bag pants, and a loose black button-up blouse. You put your hair up in a tight low ponytail, trying to look as business casual and clean as possible.

You sat down to read for about an hour before the car came, and once it did you got in the back with your purse and was on your way through the still vibrant streets of New York. You arrived at the restaurant about 15 minutes later. The driver opened the door for you, letting you enter into the busy restaurant. "Hi," You went up the hostess, "I'm here under Rogers?" It was a Thursday at 10:30 and the place was packed, giving you a good sign that the food was good.

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