Chapter 16

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Steve was on edge for weeks following the incident. He didn't let you out of his own sight, and when he absolutely had to for meetings he made sure at least three guards were within a 50-foot radius of you.

You had attempted to persuade him to give you more freedom, which only ended in an argument you knew you wouldn't win.

"No, Y/N, I said no."

"Steve, c'mon," You huffed, "I'm still a person."

"I'm well aware." He stared you down on the other side of his desk, removing his glasses, "But you're also an Omega. A wanted Omega, and my Omega."
You knew he was right, legally he owned all rights to you. But for starters, you loved Steve far too much to leave him. And second, even if you did, you had much bigger problems with Rumlow who clearly saw you as his top mission.

But the pain of staying within the house at almost all times was overwhelming. Even going out on the balcony was now seen as a threat. And you were about to combust with your need for fresh air. You were also about to slap Steve across the face and give him a real piece of your mind. But you knew there would be a whole new laundry list of problems if you chose that route. So you kept quiet. Like all Omegas were made to do.

"Sweetheart?" Steve's pleasant voice echoed into the room before his body, which found you comfortably suited in the library reading, legs over one arm of the chair, upper body over the other. You wanted to ignore him, so bad, after the fight. But the Omega in you moved your head up to look at him, your facial features still filled with anger and a message of "fuck you" you wanted to give to Steve. He sighed and lightly smiled, signaling the message had instantly been received. "You're cute when you're mad." You rolled your eyes.

"That's a cliche." You fired back, eyes going back to the book.

"It is," He said walking up to you, and leaning behind you, and kissing your neck. "But it's very true for you." You rolled your eyes. "You're still mad."

"What do you think Einstein?" You closed your book with extra emphasis on the sound this time.

"I think we can fix that elsewhere." He continued to kiss around your collar bone and neck.

"Steven, sex is not going to fix this." You lightly pushed him away. He willingly removed himself, sighing and looking down at the floor from where he was squatted next to you.

"Fine," He said, "Then what will?"

"I don't know, how about more damn freedom?"

"You know I can't do that." He looked up at you. "It's too dangerous."

"So what, am I going to be locked up in here forever?"

"Until it's deemed safe for you to go out."

"And when will that be?"

"When Rumlow's empire is destroyed." He began, "Or when he's dead." You rolled your eyes again, "Hey, he's more of a problem than you think he is. He's obviously after you, he's made that clear multiple times, but Buck, Sam, and I have been on his tail for years. His businesses are shady, possibly more so than his personality." You sat for a moment thinking about a response. Was he right? Yes. But did you want to admit he was right? No. "Here, why don't me and you talk about a way to give you enough freedom, but safe freedom."

"Okay," You agreed almost immediately.

"But ground rules: You will continue to have at least three guards with you at all times-"

"Deal." You said.

"You must have a gun with you at all times you go out-"


"And we will have parameters around the penthouse where you can go so-called 'alone'."

"Deal." You stated finally.

"Great," He said, "I'll talk to Nat and she'll create a safety plan, in the case anything happens." You nodded and agreed. Getting out of your chair you leaned up on your toes and gave him a long kiss, wrapping your arms behind his neck.

"Thanks, Stevie." You smiled.

"Anything for you, doll."

And that was the start of some freedom for you. It began with you and Steve continuing the Friday date tradition which had temporarily been postponed due to the whole situation.

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