Chapter 8

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The next morning you were awoken at seven. You weren't really sure what by, but you decided to go to the kitchen anyways and start breakfast.

Pulling out the flower, eggs, milk, sugar, and more basic for pancakes, Steve's personal chef who you had met earlier, Mark, came out. "Oh, hey Y/N, I mean Ms. Y/L/N." He briefly stuttered.

"Hey Mark," You smiled, "And please, Y/N is just fine."

"So what are you doing up this early?"

"I don't know, I woke up, now I'm making breakfast."

"Do you need any help or-"

"I'm fine, trust me," You lightly smiled, "In fact," You thought, "Why don't you take the day off?" You asked, turning your full body to him.

"Oh, I'm not sure how much Mr. Rogers would want that-"

"Don't worry about it, really," You insisted, "Go home to your fiancee, I can handle things here."

"A-are you sure?" He smiled.

"Of course, I'll keep it under control, and you out of trouble. Trust me." You smirked.

"Oh, alright, if you say so." He smiled and went back to the large kitchen, "Thanks Y/N!" He called after you.

So you began making breakfast for you and Steve. Starting out with pancakes, you monitored those as you began making scrambled eggs. Then you grabbed some bacon from out of the fridge as well and began separating pieces as the eggs and pancakes cooked, grabbing a pan for those as well.

As you continued your work on the last pancake and plated the eggs, monitoring the bacon from your side glance, you felt Steve wrap his arms around you from behind, placing his head on your shoulder, making you start to giggle. "I hope I didn't wake you." You smiled and gave a quick kiss on Steve's hand.

"No, not really," He lightly said and kissed the top of your head, "I could get used to this though." He sighed, "Where's Mark?" He asked.

"Oh, I let him off for the day." You said with confidence. Technically he was Steve's employee, but you were Steve's Omega, so you had gradually learned that you did what you wanted, with boundaries of course. "I think I can handle this for a day, with your help of course."

"My help?" He asked, backing up and leaning against the counter, giving you a quizzical look, "I didn't sign up to help you cook."

"It doesn't matter if you sign up or not," You lightly smiled, turning around to face him, "I signed up for you," Steve smirked, arms crossed tightly over his chest, running his tongue over his bottom lip.

"Bucky was right when he said you were a sassy one."

"It's in my nature," You shrugged and went back to cooking.

"I kinda like this new side of you that's opened up," He lightly laughed.

"You better get used to it," You responded with confidence, "I don't think it's going away any time soon. Also, could you grab a plate real quick?"

"Of course," He responded, lightly jogging to one of the cabinets and reaching up, grabbing the white ceramic plate. He put it next to you on the counter, as you loaded some of the bacon on. Steve took the other plates which already had pancakes and eggs on them, placing them on the table, as you followed with the bacon.

Right after setting the plates down, you two sat down as well and began eating. "So what are we doing today?" You asked him and took a bite into your pancake.

"I'm not sure," He sighed and took a bite of his, "I thought we could just take the day as it comes. And this breakfast is incredible." He smiled.

"Thanks," You smiled back. 

"I was planning on going out with Sam and Buck, with Rachel and Lyla, I was hoping you might want to come along too."

"Of course, it sounds great." You took another bite of your food.

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