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Sorry for the late update, just finished my finals...It was sooo stressful.

Hope you enjoy!

Izuku struggled as he passed through the slow day, he made an effort to avoid Kacchan at all cost. Somehow, some of his luck that hasn't run out yet is working like a charm. Avoiding the ticking bomb was not easy by any means, the real challenge was when he was leaving school. The blonde hot on his tail, thank god, for his penny sized luck, he shook him off after running around the city for about an hour and so.

Thanks to the exercise, he was hungry; stomach growling like a beast. His house is far away since they kinda strayed off course. The kitty was dangling back and forth whining how hungry he was, 'I'm hungry too, but it's not like if you keep whining food will suddenly pop out of the blue!'

'Then, go buy some you genius!'

'And I told you we've got no money,' Izuku tightened his hold over his growling stomach, it has been going on nonstop for a while now.

Thanking god as he finally found a bench, he slouched against it. He eyed the area they were in, not the best looking neighborhood, but it'll do for now; since it was apparent to the naked eye the lack of people in this area.

Sensei took the chance to transform back to his cat form, stretching its four legs, "It sure feels nice to be back!"

"You were here all along sensei,"

"I mean my catty form, have your body paralyzed and then start talking!"


"Oh, psssh, stop being a wuss,"

Izuku clicked his tongue, no use fighting with the little guy, he always has something to say back. "What to do now?"

Nyanko-sensei was looking around, had a calculative gleam in his narrow eyes, "I've got it, I know a place where we can get food!"

Izuku gave a suspicious glare, "You know that stealing is out of the question,"

"Get up! Nah, It is not stealing  if it was free."

"No place gives free food. There is nothing free in this world," Izuku crouched down to the cat's eye level, trying to knock sense in the yokai's fried brain.

"Why do you have so much to say, just follow me."

The greenette sighed for the millionth time. Lesson number one, never argue with the self-claimed strongest yokai in the world.

Izuku felt his soul leaving him when they arrived to their destination. No wonder the neighborhoods were getting shabbier, "Sensei, why the hell are we at a homeless camp?"

"Told you free food!"

"You must be nuts! It's dangerous to wander around here, let alone being in the center of the damn camp,"

"Beggars can't be choosers," The cat rolled its eyes, he lit up at the sight of a huge pot that was being stirred by an old man, giving his circle bowels of soup. "Oh, look, go over there, and act as if you were on the brink of death; wait a sec!"

The cat ran to a puddle of mud, dirtying his fur, making him look all grey and brown. He went over to the teen and raised his paws up. "Carry me, it makes me look more believable,"

One word. Speechless. Izuku was speechless.

Somehow, they scored two bowels of soup. Sensei was happily slurping the liquid in, munching on the little pieces of meat that was in his serving.

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