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These last 3 days Geoffrey has been sleeping on the couch because he doesn't know the story. I mean he still carries the baby because he has love for her. I couldn't take this anymore so I texted Richard that we would be coming over tonight. The truth needs to be spoken. 


" Babe , Yocelyn said they are coming over today." Richard shouted as I was finishing up my shower. 

" Great , I'll cook a meal." I said while walking out into my room.

" I'm anxious to know the truth." He said

" me too."

After a few hours there was a knock at the door.

" come in." I heard Richard say

" hey guys." I said " I made food so we can all eat and then get to what you guys really came here for."

After eating we made our way to the living.

" wow I've missed the taste of your food." Geoffrey said

" Thanks it was delicious." Yocleyn said

" okay let's cut the shit and get to the truth."Richard said and I held his hand.

" Geoffrey the night we all went to the club. Richard was drunk and I was sober." Yocleyn began. Geoffrey looked over at us and we nodded.

" I was still stuck on him so I went with his flow. While you were outside on the phone we were inside having sex in some room." She continued

" so you cheated on Vale that night?" Geoffrey asked and we both nodded.

" Then that night." She said turning to Richard. " Geoffrey and I did it. He was leaving to New York the next morning."

" So what are you trying to say ?" Richard asked

" I don't know who's the father exactly." She explained. " I called you over cuz Geoffrey was not here. I did everything with you because I thought it was yours but , when I saw Geoffrey again I couldn't tell the truth just yet so I said it was his. When in reality I don't know who's the dad." She said a tear escaping.

" I say you both take a DNA test as soon as possible." I spoke up

" Yocelyn don't cry , we'll figure this out. If Richard is the dad I'll still love her." Geoffrey said comforting her

" and if he's the dad , we can all he friends." Richard smiled

" Make the family even bigger." I smiled

" your right , we'll get through this together." She said fixing her make up.

I know I said if Richard is the father I'll love the girl and that's still true. But , is it bad that I still   lowkey hope Richard isn't the father ?

What do you think the results will be ?

Quick little insider : The more I think about my Zabdiel story line. I'm thinking Becky G could  fill the role as the lead girl. THIS IS JUST A THOUGHT.

Please no hate , we don't do that here !

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