Chapter 16

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{Character in picture: Karol Queiroz as Josie Sellers}

{Song in video: Daughtry - What About Now}

Vic and Jenna walked by the river holding hands and talking. When they sat down, he decided to text Hayley. He just wanted to talk to her, and see how she was doing.

Vic texted, Hey :) had fun at MegaCon. You looked amazing as Ramona Flowers btw.

A few minutes later, Hayley replied back, Me too! And thanks. You looked great as Kirito :D

Vic didn't know whether or not to send the next text. He finally responded back after fifteen minutes, Um, can I meet you somewhere? There's something I have to tell you...about us.

Hayley stared at her phone blankly. What? What does he possibly want to tell me? She thought to herself. She sent the text, Yeah sure :) where at?

Vic bit his lip nervously. Jenna noticed Vic was nervous so she linked arms with him and said, "You okay? You seem worried about something." She looked concerned.

He cleared his throat, shaking his head. "No, I'm fine. I just have to use the bathroom." He quickly walked into the bathroom. What the hell is wrong with me? I need to get it together. He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Jenna noticed Vic's phone kept buzzing. She looked at his phone and noticed there were texts from Hayley: What do you need to talk about?? Is everything ok? We can meet at my house if you want.

Jenna sighed, now know what was going on.

Vic came back, sighing. "Hey, I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling good right now. I have to go home."

"Vic, if you have to tell me something, then you know it's okay for you to do it. You can tell me anything," Jenna said quietly, then gave him back his phone.

She read the texts. She must think I'm such a prick. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. What is wrong with me? Why can't I get Hayley out of my head? Jenna is perfect. Perfect smile, personality, hair, and everything. She must be so hurt right now and it's all because of me. He thought to himself. "Jenna, I'm really sorry. I promise I didn't cheat on you or anything like that. I thought I was over her, but I'm not. I tried so hard to not like her in that way..." His eyes welled up with tears, but it didn't come out.

"It's okay I completely understand. It's fine," Jenna said, giving him a small smile. "I know you didn't cheat on me. I just wished you told me sooner when you realized that you still loved Hayley. Things like that, you can't just shove out of your head." She hugged him. "You're a great guy, Vic. You're one of the nicest guys I've ever known. I know you didn't try to hurt anyone."

"I'm so sorry, Jenna. I didn't want this to happen..." He wanted to say more, but nothing could come out.

She let go of him. "It's fine. Well, you have to meet Hayley somewhere, so I'm going to go." She slowly walked away.

Vic went in his car. I hurt Jenna...I'm not a great guy or nice. I had hurt Jenna. I never thought I'd be the kind of guy to hurt my girlfriend's feelings. He thought to himself. He looked at his texts. He texted back, Ok sounds good. Meet you in ten mins.

He parked on Hayley's driveway, and felt nervous. He was even more nervous now than when he admitted his feelings to Hayley a while back.

Hayley came outside and smiled. "Hey, Vicster, what's up?" She looked up at him, wondering what was going on.

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