Chapter 19

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{Song in video: Paramore - Still Into You}

Hayley kept walking around her room. Should I go to Vic and tell him I love him? If I don't, then I'll miss a chance. If I miss a chance, then I will regret it, and the break-up with Eli would have been for nothing. She thought to herself.

She decided she would just tell him. She got in her car, and drove to Vic's house.

A few minutes later, she parked in Vic's driveway. I'm going to tell Vic I love him. If I don't, I'll miss a chance, just like Ariel said. I need to do this. She thought to herself. She took a deep breath, then walked up to the Barrios' front door. She rang the doorbell. She heard a few steps coming to the door. Mike opened it up, "Hey, Hayles. You want to talk to Vic, I assume?" He asked.

"Hey, Mike...and yeah..." she said awkwardly.

He went to go get Vic. What am I doing? I'm probably too late. I'm making a mistake. She thought to herself.

Vic came to the door, "Hey," he said quietly with an unreadable facial expression. "Come in." He still felt slightly awkward around Hayley, but he just wanted her to be happy.

She walked in. "I have to tell you private..." She looked down at the ground.

They went into his room. "What's up?" He asked.

"I'm in love with you, Vic Barrios," she blurted out. "I'm sorry I rejected you a few days ago. It was shocking to me when you told me you love me. But I know I want to be with you, and if I didn't tell you this, I know I would deeply regret it. You're the one for me, and you always have been, even when we were broken up."

His face lit up, and he grinned. "I knew you were. You meant the world to me even after we broke up. I wish we never agreed to break up in the first place. Why did we even do that?" He chuckled. He didn't expect Hayley to say these things, but he was glad she did.

"I don't even remember. We were idiots!" She grinned, laughing in relief. She felt as if a huge weight have been lifted from her shoulders.

"I remember now. It's because we thought it would ruin our friendship. How stupid is that?" He laughed.

"Really stupid!"

After they stopped laughing, they both leaned in and kissed. Vic put his hands around her head, and Hayley put her arms around his waist.

"Woo-hoo!" They heard Mike exclaim behind the door. They stopped, and Vic got a pillow, opened the door, and threw it at him. He closed the door, and they both heard Mike laughing. Vic and Hayley looked at each other, laughing.

"So, you want to come downstairs and eat? We have tacos," Vic said, wriggling his eyebrows.

"That sounds awesome! I'm starving," Hayley said, nodding her head.

They went downstairs, and ate. "This is so good! Did you make this, or Mike?" Hayley asked.

"No, my mom did," Vic said. "She wanted to learn Mike and I's way of making tacos, and we finally taught her."

"That's awesome." She grinned, gazing into his eyes. "Mexican food is the best kind of food."

"Ain't that the truth." He grinned.

"Hey. you're just agreeing with me just because you're Mexican." She jokingly gave him a stern look.

He chuckled, nodding his head.

After they ate, he asked, "Want to make some s'mores?"

Her face lit up. "Yes, I love s'mores!"

"I know you do." He smiled.

They went outside and Vic prepared the fireplace. A few minutes later, they were ready to roast marshmallows.

They kept talking, then Vic said, "Hayley I think your marshmallow is burnt..."

Hayley looked down, and took her marshmallow away from the fire. "Ugh, it is," she groaned, and threw the marshmallow on the ground. She put another one on a stick and roasted it. "Did you know that years ago I tripped, and almost fell into the bonfire, but Ariel saved me? I could've had scars and stuff."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Wow. I'm really glad she was there to save you."

She nodded her head. "Same here."

They talked for a while. Hayley looked at the time. "Hey, I got to go. It's already ten o'clock, and it's a school night."

He smiled, holding her hand. "I'll walk you to your car."

They went to the front yard, and Hayley unlocked her car. "I'm so glad I decided to come here." She looked at him, grinning.

"I'm glad too." He gave her a hug, and held onto her. "No one compares to you, Hayles. You're perfect."

They leaned in, and kissed. After they pulled away, Hayley almost tripped. "More like perfect klutz," she joked about herself.

They laughed.

He smiled. "I'll see you at school."

She smiled back. "Yeah, you will. Good night."

She went in her car, and drove home.

When she got home, she texted Ariel: Me and Vic are back together!

Ariel texted: OMG tell me everything!!!

Hayley texted: I told him I loved him, we kissed, ate tacos, ate s'mores, and talked. It was great! :D

Ariel texted: Awww I'm so proud of you 2 >w<

Ariel texted: o0o0o0h luv birdz. Me n alex r better xP

Hayley texted: Um ok lol

Ariel texted: Sorry that was Alex. I'm with him at the moment. He's a butthead.

Ariel texted: i'm not a butthead howell

Ariel texted: ow what was that 4?!

Hayley texted: LOL XD

Ariel texted: Sorry that was Alex again. He annoyed me if you haven't noticed.

Hayley texted: I could tell through text xD

Ariel texted: I'm sorry I got to go. Alex is being a PAIN. He keeps taking my phone. I'll see you tomorrow and we'll talk then ok?

Hayley texted: Ok ttyl

Hayley put her phone down, and got ready for bed.


A/N: Hayley tells Vic she is still in love with him. They get together :)




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