Chapter 18

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{Song in video: Skillet - Falling Inside The Black}

Before school, Hayley, and the rest of the group, except Eli, hung out by the guys' lockers. Hayley was still avoiding Vic. They were all talking, and then all of a sudden Eli stormed up to Vic. "You think you could just tell a guy's girlfriend that you're in love with her? You've been flirting and messing around with her for too long!" He punched Vic in the face, and Vic fell to the floor.

The group gasped.

I deserve this. Vic thought to himself. He wasn't going to fight back because he deserved that. He wouldn't like it if someone else did that to him either.

"Eli!" Hayley exclaimed. "Please, I don't want any of this." She didn't want two guys fighting over her.

Quinton and Jaime helped Vic up.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You should have thought of that before we dated. You should have told me from the start that you were still in love with him." He was about to punch Vic again, but Quinton, Jaime, and Antonio held him back.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mr. Ross, the principal, exclaimed as he came toward them. "Eli Hayward, into my office now!" He turned to the rest of the students. "You all scram and get to class!"

"Wait, Mr. Ross," Vic said weakly, "I was part of the fight. I started it." He knew if he didn't speak up, then Eli would most likely get expelled, and that would have been his fault. He didn't want that for Eli.

Mr. Ross eyed him and Eli, looking a little surprised. "Fine. You come into my office too," Mr. Ross said.


"What do you think their punishment would be?" Alex asked Ariel at the lunch table.

Ariel shrugged. "I have no idea, but Vic lied, and said he started it, even though he didn't do anything. I could tell he felt really bad about what happened between him and Jenna, and Eli and Hayley."

"Do you think they'll make us take sides?" Jack asked.

She shook her head. "I don't think so."

"This is all my fault," Hayley groaned. "I'm so stupid. I should have told Eli I love him. Then all of this wouldn't be happening."

"No, you were right for not telling him that. Lying gets worse as time goes on," Ariel said. "It's nobody's fault really. Stuff happens."

"I've been looking for you all everywhere!" Taylor exclaimed as she sat with the group.

"We always sit here Taylor. Every single day," Quinton pointed out.

She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, so was there a fight between Eli and Vic?"

"Yup," Jaime said, nodding his head.

She glanced at everyone. "Can anyone describe it?"

"I can," Alex said. "Eli came out of nowhere in the hallway, then yelled at Vic. He punched Vic, and Vic fell on the ground."

She sighed. "I wish I would have seen it. Did anyone film it?"

"No," Quinton said in a stern tone.

"Hayles, don't feel too bad. It's every girl's dream to have two guys fighting over them. Trust me, I've had it happen before."

"What is wrong with you?" Quinton looked at her with disbelief.

"It's okay, Quint. Taylor is just trying to make me feel better," Hayley said to him reassuringly.

"Quint...I'm going to start calling you that," Taylor said, grinning.

Quinton groaned. "Please don't," he grumbled. The group laughed.

"Look, there's Vic and Eli!" Antonio exclaimed. He pointed at them getting their lunch.

"I'll see what's going on," Jaime said, then got up to walk to them. "So what are you all's punishment?"

"I'm suspended for three days, and I have detention after school. Eli has detention for a few days," Vic said.

"What he said," Eli mumbled. After he got his lunch, he walked away to the back of the school, and sat down. Josie was sitting back there, and smoking.

Vic followed behind them, but then sat at a different wall. He wanted to clear his head.

"Hey, Eli," Josie greeted him, "What are you doing back here?"

"Just thinking," Eli replied.

"Want a smoke?"

He nodded, and she lit up a few cigarettes.

"So, I heard about the fight and what not."

He gave her a stern look. "Yeah, and what's it to you?"

She sighed. "What you went through is what several other teens go through each day. Crappy, isn't it?"

He gave her a half-smile. "Yeah, sure is."

She smiled."Want to get out of here?"

He paused for a moment. "Sure. Where?"

"You'll see." She gave him a sly smile.

They went in her car, and they drove to a liquor store to use fake I. D.s.

Later, Eli, Vic, and Hayley all had to go to detention. Hayley never thought that two guys would fight over her, let alone have detention with them at the same time. She felt like that she was as bad as a cheater.

She sat away from the both of them, doodling in her notebook. Every once in a while, she would accidentally make awkward eye contact with Eli or Vic. She knew that she ruined her chances with either of them, whether it was a friendship or relationship. She wished they could all still be at least friends somehow, but she knew that wasn't realistic. She also wished that she knew earlier that she was in love with Vic, then she wouldn't have hurt Eli.

She just couldn't deal with the silence anymore. She wanted to somehow make things better. "Look," she started to say to Vic and Eli. "I'm sorry for how everything went down. I never wanted any of this to happen."

Eli gave her a look. "Hayley, please, not right now," he said. "I know you feel bad, but I don't want to hear about any of this right now."

Vic got up to sit next to her. "I know you feel bad, Hayles," he whispered to her. "Don't mind Eli. This whole thing is my fault. I ruined your relationship with him, and I am so sorry for that."

She let out a sigh of relief. She was glad that Vic was okay with her, at least. She hoped that Eli will eventually come around, and forgive her. She thought he just needed some time.

The rest of detention went by slowly, and then they were finally dismissed.


A/N: Eli punches Vic, and they get in trouble. Vic says that he started it to prevent Eli from getting expelled. Vic, Eli, and Hayley have detention together.




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