Chapter 3 - Tearful Farewell

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--------------------Flashback Part 2-------------------

After Hector dropping the question on Logan it took him a few seconds to answer him nearly shouting for he wasn't expecting Hector to say that.

Logan: What did you just say?!?

Hector: I said would you like to live with me.

Logan: (Stuttering) B-but why would you say that! why would you allow me to stay with you?

Hector: Well it's not like you have anywhere else to go right?

Logan: Right.

Hector: So how about it, Do you want to live with me here kid?

Logan was at loss for words he didn't know exactly how to answer that question though he was thankful for the offer he didn't like to intrude on other people's privacy even if it means he has to live on the streets again but before he can decline Hector responded first.

Hector: Listen kid take it as my reward for saving me last night though that is only one reason, I also took a liking to you kid you remind me of myself when I was younger and also it's a bit lonely having this house all by myself so what do you say, kid? Will you accept my offer now Logan?

Logan: Heh, Sure thanks again Old Man Hector.

Hector: Kid, don't call me Old Man just call me Hector.

Logan: Only if you stop calling me a kid and start calling me Logan.

Hector: Heh, Sure ki- uh I mean Logan.

Hector reaches his hand out to Logan to shake and Logan shook his hand then they both suddenly burst into laughter, After a good few minutes they stopped and Logan said to hector.

Logan: Thanks again, Hector.

Hector: Don't think too much about it Logan I'm looking forward to living with you.

Logan: Me too.

5 Years Later

Years went by and Logan is 16 years old already, After Logan agreed to stay with Hector he also realized Hector was a Multi-Millionaire, They spent most of their time together ever since. Hector taught Logan a lot of things to help him for the present and the future, He also taught him on how to monopolize a stock markets tradings and supplies while also further enhancing his knowledge by tutoring him on multiple subjects both academically and also business-wise, Hector taught Logan through the course of 5 years Logan is now considered to be a genius even among other stockholders even Hector himself was already outmatched by Logan's ingenuity and exceptional knowledge.

Hector: Now you're getting it, Logan, Can't believe you're already better at this than me and in only a few years to boot.

Logan: Well let's just say I had a good teacher.

Hector:(Rubs Logan's Head) Haha! Good show Old Boy keep that up and I might make you teach me instead.

Logan: Sure Hector but I'm afraid it's too late for you (Smug Face).

Logan/Hector: (Laughs)

Hector and Logan enjoyed their time together since they had each other to entertain themselves. But after years of their time together Logan noticed Hector was not like he used to sometimes he would cough several times a day or suddenly have minor headaches while teaching Logan.

Logan decided to ask him what's the problem if he's feeling ill or having troubles doing daily necessities but Hector simply replied that he was fine and told Logan not to worry about it that is until when the symptoms began to become more severe than previous ones and then while they were busy chatting.

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