Chapter 4 - Memories Of A Loud

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After Logan's departure, he traveled the world for his sole purpose and to find himself; He wandered far and wide, As he did he befriended many people some of them dangerous but still saw them as his friend, He joined multiple groups and gangs but never took part in any criminal activity nor harming the innocent; He saw all the wonders of the world and mysteries within; He learned from many masters whether it was how to fight or how to manage a self-sufficient business.

He was renowned as a genius among his peers and is now an expert fighter. Through his travels, he performed violent acts but only for the good of the people and became a hero to several important people and nations but remained anonymous. But as the years go by, he now misses his family even more so than ever, As he drifted further apart from them he wondered if they're okay back there and soon he checked up how his childhood town he grew up in online and to see how his family is doing but what he'll see just might make him finally come back.


Logan is in a 5-Star hotel room somewhere in Japan and is sitting on the couch while watching the T.V. listening to the news reporter "report" the latest news.

News Reporter [In Japanese]: And in other news local gang members a.k.a. as the "Dragon's Eye" led by their leader named "Silver Fang" have subdued a criminal organization and save several bystanders by themselves they also apprehended the criminals involved and turned them into the police, Although the authorities state that they are hooligans and act above the law they also admit they are heroes to the public.

Logan: [Bandaging his Cuts and Bruises up] Hope the other guys are doing better than me, I'm in worse shape than I thought. Maybe I shouldn't have rushed in there by myself that was a terrible idea, *Yawn*, better hurry and go to bed.

After fixing himself he stood up and headed to bed, He turned off the T.V. and placed down the remote but then something catches his attention in the corner of his eye inside his bag, Logan grabbed the picture of his family he brought with him when he first left his home Royal Woods and then remembered the times he last spent together with them and he thought what's his family is up to.

Logan's Mind: Wonder how my sisters are doing, *Sigh*, I hope they're alright and doing well.

Logan sent money over to them every month anonymously and as he looks at the picture, he skimmed through it looking at his sisters individually while also having flashbacks on the time he spent with every one of them.

He looks at Lynn and remembered when she was a baby as he was the one who was responsible for a memorable event.


Logan and a 1-Year-Old Lynn were in Logan's room with him, trying to see if he can help his little sister with her first words. But so far she hasn't even come close. But Logan never gave up and tried again and again until.

Lynn: bWi-IgG BuU-Tet-H-HeR.

Logan: Yes! come on Lynn you can do it, I believe in you!

Lynn: Bi-IG bWo-tH-Ther.

Logan: Yes! yes! that's it come on say it.

Lynn: Big Bwother!

Logan: Yes! Yes, you did it! Your first words and you did it perfectly... Well, close enough.

Logan picks up Baby Lynn and spins her around while laughing spontaneously being happy after Lynn finally said her first words and it was none other than "Big Brother" well more or less.

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