Chapter 6 - The Loud House

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Narrators' POV

Logan now finished telling his Grandfather on what happened to him after he was forced to leave his family, shocked Albert, he had no words to describe how much it hurts to listen how much his Grandson suffered all those years ago but it wasn't painful enough to stop him from being joyful on whatever reason he had left Logan finally returned to his home.

(Albert will be Pop-pop from now on)

Pop-pop: I had no idea, Logan. I knew you had your reason to leave your family and I also know you are firm enough to survive on your own, but even so I didn't know how much you've suffered all these years.

Logan: Pop-pop, it's okay I-

Pop-pop: No! It's not Logan I also believed that you just left without a reason from the beginning but sooner, I then realized you had your reason and I was a fool for not trusting you back then when your family kept saying that you couldn't take it anymore with their awful behavior and annoying requests even though I told them that wasn't why you left a part of me also believed them and I regret ever doing so.

Logan: Pop-pop please I might have been annoyed at them in the past at some point but I loved them too much to even think about hating them and I still do, but I'm sorry. I can't explain the exact reason why I left, but eventually I'll tell you cause you're the one I trust the most right now.

Pop-pop: Rest assured kid I'll be waiting but until then take your time, Although I would like to know more of what you've been up to aren't you wasting your time here cause I think there are some people who you have a long-overdue reunion with.

Logan: *Sighs* Yeah I know I'm just hoping they'll understand and I get it if they won't forgive me for what I did cause whatever the reason why I left was no excuse of suddenly abandoning them and the truth is I'm scared.

Pop-pop: How come' Logan, What are you feeling scared about?

Logan: I'm scared of thinking that they will never forgive me even though I am prepared for it, It still scares me knowing I became distant from them and the distance only gets further and further and what daunts me the most is the thought of them moving on forgetting me, Maybe it's for the best if they do I no longer deserve to be a part of the family again-


Just before Logan continued with his mindless banter he sees Pop-pop slamming the table with his fist snapping Logan from his thoughts before saying...

Pop-pop: Logan let me tell in all those years you left I never stopped hoping you would return and yet here you are and also over the years as you went missing not once ever came a day that your family stopped thinking about you.

Pop-pop grabs Logan's shoulders and stares him eye to eye.

Pop-pop: You may have given up the thought of going back to your family but they never did ever since you left they never stopped believing that you would return that you would come back to them and all that happened would just be a terrible dream but No! You did leave and they were disheartened when you left but of all the thing that happened we never gave up hope so I ask you are you willing to leave them always wondering, always praying, always hoping that you would return and you never will or are you finally coming back, back to your home, and back to your family, So what's it gonna be Logan? The choice is yours.

Pop-pops' words finally made Logan realized what he should do as his fear has now been replaced with confidence.

Logan: (Grins) Heh, Of course, the choice is obvious, (Stands Up) Thanks again Pop-pop (Hugs Albert)

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