Chapter 13 - Loud & Louder

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Narrators' POV

We see Logan with his brother and sisters inside the former's car now driving towards their humble abode, he drove idly as his siblings were communicating with each other within the aforementioned vehicle from their trip at the mall.

Lincoln: (Excited) Oh Man! I can't wait to set this baby up!

Lola: And I can't wait to show this dress to 'Lindsey Sweetwater' and shove it down her face, proving once again howI'm better than her. (Smiles Evililly)

Leni: (Cheerful) I also can't wait to show this new dress to my friends.

Lucy: (Monotone) My club is going to love this coffin I just got.

Logan simply smiled while listening to them being happy about the gifts he got for them, but in the midst of all this chatter, they heard an all too familiar sound, a sound that can be heard at least three times a day.

Everbody (Sans Logan): *Stomach Grumbling*


Logan: Well, it seems you guys are hungry, how's about we go get some lunch first.

Even though they felt embarrassed about their stomachs grumbling the simply shrugged it off and agreed to Logan's idea.

Logan: So, where do you guys wanna eat at, and also tell Lori to follow us to get some grub.

Lincoln: Speaking of grub, I think I know the perfect place to get some.

Logan: (Grins) What do you have in mind?


After they all agreed on where to eat they arrive at the place, it was "Gus' Game & Grub", they all got off Logan's car and Vanzilla, they gathered up to go inside.

Lana: *Groans* I'm SO HUNGRY! C'mon, guys let's hurry up!

Luna: Relax Dude, we're all hungry but you don't have to act like we haven't eaten in days.

Luan: Easy for you to say, We weren't on our third helping this breakfast.

Luna: You snooze you lose Dudes.

Logan: Let's just go inside already, Lunch is on me.

This place brought back many memories for Logan as he and his sisters back then would often hang out here to play and eat. The Loud kids went inside and found themselves a table as the waiter came and took their order.

Waiter: And what would you guys like this fine afternoon.

Logan: We'll have 3 extra-large pepperoni and cheese pizzas, 12 glasses of sparkling water, 3 order of fries, and also 4 cans of soda, please.

Lily tugged on Logan's shirt which he took notice of.

Logan: Make that 5.

Waiter: Is that all you'll be having today?

Logan looked at his sibling to see if any of them wanted anything else.

Lynn: Make 1 order of those fries into chili fries!

Leni: Can you make 1 of those pizzas half-vegan, please.

Lisa: Can I have the keys to your lavatory if I may.

Luan: And can you make those pizzas stuffed crust but not too much, I don't wanna be stuffed before dessert *Laughs*, Get it!

Everbody just groans.

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