Chapter 11 - Words of Truth

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Logan's POV

I left the house and went to my new one to unpack the rest of my belongings so I can settle in properly since it was starting to become dark already.

Logan's Mind: Glad I can see them again though I wish Lori would've forgiven me too but can't say I blame her.

When I reached the house I admired it for a few seconds before proceeding to enter my new home.

Logan: Wow, I gotta thank my Agent for this one.

I mean what do you expect? My old house looks like a dump compared to this one but hey, I'm not gonna bite the hands that fed me.

I was about to go inside but then took notice of my car right beside the house and it looks just like how I left it, it was a "Rolls Royce Bugatti" still in mint condition.

Logan's Mind: Look's like he took care of it with no problems.

I went inside and noticed that most of my things were already placed and furnished across the house seems like my agent was busy I'm surprised that there wasn't much noise when they did this. I noticed a few boxes left in the corner with a note as he read what it said.

Logan: "Sir, All of your furniture has already been placed and these boxes are the ones you specified to not invade on the private belongings inside, If you require our services again don't hesitate to call".

Logan's Mind: Wow, He's good.

Narrators' POV

As Logan finished reading the note he threw It away then following to unpack the rest of his items which took him an hour at most before finally settled down as he ate dinner, took a shower, before proceeding to bed.

(Meanwhile at the Loud House)

Rita was trying to convince Lori to join them for dinner with Logan at his house as she was still crying in her room with the door locked.

Rita: Sweetie, Logan invited us over for dinner tomorrow, and we want you to join us.

Lori: (Crying softly) Go away, Mom! I'm not going and I don't want to see anyone right now.

Rita: (Concerned) Honey, I know it's difficult accepting that your Big Brother came back after he left us but he had his reasons.

Lori: (Angry) I don't care about his reason! Where was he when I needed him, He just left without saying goodbye he could've done that at least!

Rita simply sighed knowing that it will be hard in persuading Lori to join them knowing that she and Logan were really close back then and he just left her, leaving Lori crying for days of the loss of his brother but then he suddenly comes back.

Rita wondered if she should tell her the truth about why Logan left but decided to be quiet for now.

Rita: Well, Logan lives next door since he just bought a house recently and he invited us over for dinner tomorrow so we're going, you're joining us and that's Final!

Lori wanted to refuse but knew she shouldn't push her mother too far cause she knew when she's serious.

Meanwhile, the other Loud children were in the living room below while the younger kids barraged their older sister's questions about Logan.

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