Chapter 6: Learning of my heritage

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(Clark 28, Percy 12)

A 12 year old Persephone Kent was walking through the Gotham City Museum with her class. It was a museum that she was the most familiar with. Percy came to this exact museum each time there was a gala to raise a bunch of money for something.

Like the schools or the libraries or the needy. So it felt weird for her not to be in a fancy dress and walking around.

They always used the museum. They always claimed to give it that feeling of high class. Percy alternated between Oliver's plus one and Bruce's. And the gala's were every other month during the weekends.

Percy had been going to a semi private middle school in metropolis curtesy of Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. This school was a public school for the rich kids of the area. She was just the niece of two.

The school still had uniforms. But right now she and everyone else were in normal clothes. Like the ones they would were outside of school.

They were done with the natural history part of the museum and had lunch. Her lunch was made by Alfred. He knew what she liked and how to make it. The kids were mad at her because they didn't know anyone in Gotham to get an actual hot lunch to eat.

Now Mr. Burner lead the class to Ancient Greek part of the museum away from the arts part of the building. The place where the riddler like to steal things.

Percy already knew of the gods. Her mother claimed that she was the daughter of Zeus. It was probably why she liked thunder and lightening so much.

And one can't ignore the Greek gods when one hangouts with the king of Antlantis all the time. Dianna also knew her daughter's demigod scent became in masked enough to let Poseidon and the other gods see Percy. But also knew that her scent was still masked to the monsters.

"There are twelve Olympian Gods. The big three are brothers. And they are Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. On several occasions they would come down to earth from their palaces in Olympus and um." Mr. Burner said

"Hook up?" Grover said jokingly

That got a laugh from everyone but Percy. The kids have a twisted sense of humor. And that's coming from Percy, the girl who loves hanging out with the Justice League on her free time. And she heard things from the League that will make the misfits behind her cringe.

"Yes if you want to put it like that. They'd hook up with mortals. And the children of these unions were half god half human. They were called demigods." Mr. Burner said

Soon miss dods took Percy to talk alone. The two walked into a room that was not finished yet.

"So did I do something wrong? Miss dods? Hello?" Percy said

She looked around. She didn't see her teacher anywhere.

"Where is it?" Dods said in a voice that wasn't hers

Percy looked up a scalpel. Her teacher was on the top. Percy wondered how miss dods got up to the top without making a sound and that fast. And she had voice her thought. Dods made this high pitched screeching sound that scared the living daylights out of Percy.

And that was no easy feet. It was usually hard to scare Percy. Then dods turned into a creature that looked like it came right out of one of Percy's story books. The ones she got from Dianna.

If she remembered right, the creature was a Fury. And it took commands from Hades and left if someone gave it a threat.

"You stole the lightening bolt." The Fury said

"I don't know what you're talking about." Percy tried to say

Percy tried to use the self defense training she learned from the league. But it was no use. It had the advantage of flight.

During the struggle with the Fury Percy somehow activated the 'Alfred please come pick me up now' button on her watch. When Alfred received the transmission, the button usually made this loud beeping sound.

This distracted both Percy and the Fury. In that time Mr. Burner and Grover came 'running' in.

"Percy!" Grover yelled

"Leave her alone. Or I'll swear I'll tear you to pieces." Mr. Burner said growling

The Fury flew off. But not without a final ear piercing screech. That was one thing Clark and Percy had in common. They both had sensitive hearing.

When Percy was recovering, Grover and Mr. Burner were talking. Then Mr. Burner turned to Percy. The girl had finally recovered and her ears stopped ringing.

Mr. Burner gave Percy a pen and told her it was a dangerous weapon. Percy knew it wasn't a pen. It was the sword riptide. But Percy didn't let her knowledge of the weapon show to the people in front of her. The three walked out of the unfinished room.

And without a second thought. Percy walked right out of the museum. When she got to the outside stairs she saw Alfred. With a big sigh Percy ran to him. When she reached to elderly man, she hugged him. He hugged her back.

Alfred soon opened the back door of the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Percy got in with her classmates looking at her. They all knew that was Bruce Wayne's car and butler.

"Are you okay mistress Persephone?" Alfred asked as they drive off

"I will tell you at the manor Alfred. I don't really want to say it twice." Percy said

Alfred nodded and drove Percy to the manor in silence. Percy didn't want to talk out loud anymore. And Alfred felt that. He saw that Percy was texting someone.

He figured she was texting one of her parents or both. Alfred knew that when Clark found out about whatever happened at the museum, he would fly over here to see if she was okay. Everyone knew Percy was a daddy's girl through and through.

Alfred also knew if the rest of the League got word of this, there would be a rampage throughout the league's headquarters. Or their individual lairs and cities.

When the two reached the manor. Percy let Alfred open the door knowing he would throw a fit otherwise.

Percy saw Bruce waiting for her when she entered the living room. She knew he was worried when she sounded the bell earlier then what was promised.

And as promised, Percy told the only two residents of Wayne manor everything that happened at the museum from the Fury to the lightening bolt.

Then it was revealed that Percy was a demigoddess. But they didn't tell her who her godly parent was. They did say that Zeus believes she stole his master bolt somehow. But they knew she didn't.

Clark and Dianna finally showed up to the manor. They were both worried sick for their daughter. Percy had texted them everything on the car ride over. She also told them that she was scared and wanted her father badly.

Percy broke into a run when she saw Clark round the corner. She cried into her father's shirt. It was from both happiness of seeing her dad there and trauma from what happened.

Clark picked Percy up bridal style. Like when she fell asleep on the couch watching Sesame Street or The Magic School Bus or Bill Nye the science guy. All of that happened last week.

Three nights in a row Percy stayed up late watching kids shows. One of which is used in science classes all over America. Clark sat down on the couch. He put Percy's back to the arm rest and her legs over his.

"It's going to be okay princess. Is going to be okay." Clark said softly into his daughters ear

Clark hugged Percy as tight as he dared knowing she was breakable. Dianna knew what they had to do. They had to take her to the demigod camp.

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