Chapter 18: Fostering the Di Angelo siblings

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The rest of the summer flew by. It was now a couple of days till Percy was due to come home from camp half blood. Dianna and Clark knew their daughter traveled to Themycira every afternoon to train. And it was now a week till Percy started at Gotham Academy again.

Dianna thanked the Fates that Percy wasn't expelled or in any major trouble with this school. At Metropolis Prep, Percy got into trouble because of her ADHD and her curiosity. But not enough to get her expelled from there. She had a few suspensions here and there and a couple of in school suspensions throughout the years.

But she never got expelled from the school. She was even at the end of probation when the Fury incident happened at Gotham History Museum. And when she left the museum, everyone was lead to believe she was having a panic attack.

Clark and Dianna were enjoying their alone time. Something they didn't have very often with their jobs and superhero duties. And in Dianna's case, she had Royal and diplomat duties instead of a job like her husband's. But then there was a knock on the door. And the front door too.

Everyone Clark and Dianna knew usually just came into the house without knocking. Either through the back door or the front door. But mostly the back door. Especially in nice weather when the screen door was the only one closed.

The only thing Clark could think of was that the people at the door were solicitors. The people he hated. Especially the people trying to make others go to a Christian church. The Kent's obviously worshiped the Greek gods.

That was one reason he put that sign on his door. But what Clark found was not solicitors like he thought. It was a government person.

"Are you Clark Kent?" He asked

"Yeah. I am. Who are you?" Clark replied to the man in front of him

"I'm Rodney Stark. And I'm a CPS agent." Rodney said

Clark became panicked. Were they going to take his baby girl away from him? Martha would kill Clark with all the kryptonite she had on hand if Percy was taken away from him for any reason. Martha loved Dianna to do any damage to her. Plus Dianna was more skilled in hand to hand combat and weapons fighting then Martha as well.

"Do not worry Mr. Kent. I'm not here to take away your daughter Persephone. I just need to talk to you and your wife Dianna about another matter entirely. Someone more likely." Rodney said as if read Clark's mind

Clark lead Rodney to where Dianna was. She was sitting in the living room on the couch with Themycira papers skewed in front of her like a tornado came in. Rodney introduced himself to Dianna.

"So where is your daughter?" Rodney asked

He looked around to see if the third Kent was around. But he knew it wasn't likely. Teens liked not to be home all that much during the summer.

"She's at camp. She should be here in a couple of days. But if my mother has her way, she will pick Percy up early and will be at her place for the next three to four days." Dianna said

Rodney nodded his in understanding. The file he had been given about the Kent's and their family said that Dianna's mother was a very powerful, important and influential woman that should not be messed with.

"What do you need to talk to us about?" Clark asked

"We have these siblings that need a home. And with your record, we are asking if you two will take them in." Rodney asked

"What are their names?" Dianna asked

"Bianca and Niccolo Di Angelo. There is a rumor that there was a note left with them that said they were related to your daughter." Rodney said

This shocked the couple. Dianna and Clark took a minute and talked about it in the kitchen. They had absolutely no money troubles what so ever. Dianna was wealthy and did not work because of who she was.

Finally they both agreed to take the two kids in. Dianna felt sorry for the two kids. They needed a home they felt safe in. They walked back out to Rodney to tell him.

"We will take them in." Clark said

"That's really great. I'll go back to the office and get them ready then I will drop them off here in a couple of hours." Rodney said happily

He left to do the paperwork and to pick the kids up.


Percy was fighting with all her might. All of her instructors had decided before she gotten there to gang up on her. They thought it would help her fight better if she knew how to fight multiple people and win. Even winning the fight by a hair.

They taught her how to fight with every weapon they had in stock. And how to used them properly. This had meant she used swords, bows and arrows, spears, her hands and her own lasso of truth. And she was taught how to fight with all of them in different ways too.

Percy was also taught how to ride a horse while fighting. Percy had soon beat the people who she was up against. She felt relieved. But now she had to do her princess training.

Percy's horse, Bellatrix, loved her mistress. She even called Percy mistress. Just like blackjack and other horses and Pegasus, Percy was never called by her name. With blackjack, Percy was called 'boss'. Others called Percy 'your majesty'.

Percy walked back to the palace to meet up with Hippolyta. She and Hippolyta were making a royal Chiton. It was a combination of a Amazon and Atlantis gown. One that wasn't normal.

This one was for when Percy went up to Olympus again. To show her unique heritage of being a Amazon and Poseidon's daughter.

"You have done well in your training this summer granddaughter. Your parents should be proud." Hippolyta said with a warm, kind smile

"Thank you grandmother." Percy said returning the smile she was given

The two continue to talk and work on the dress. Hippolyta encouraged Percy to follow her dreams of designing cloths.

If got big enough, Percy wanted to hire other demigods. Everyone knew Aphrodite was helping Percy in this aspect.


A couple of hours of waiting later, Rodney came back with the Di Angelo siblings. They both looked shy and timid. Bianca held her younger brother close to her side like she was protecting him. And it was completely understandable. They were walking into a strangers home.

And to Dianna's surprise, she saw that they both had many features of her Uncle Hades. To Clark, they shared the same features as his daughter.

"They both look like Uncle Hades." Dianna whispered to her husband

Clark looked to his beloved wife with questioning eyes.

"That's why I see a little bit of Percy in them." Clark whispers back

"There's no questioning it that Uncle Hades and Uncle Poseidon look a lot alike." Dianna said

Dianna walked up to the kids with a friendly smile. She crouched down to their eye level. A thing Dianna did while Percy was growing up.

"Hi. I'm Dianna Kent, and this here is my husband Clark." Dianna said

"I'm Bianca, this is my little brother Nico." Bianca said in an Italian Greek accent mix

Dianna now understood what happened. Hades had told her right before Percy came for her, that he had to unclaim his children, erase their memories of him and put them in the lotus casino.

He said that they were born in Italy in the late '20s and early '30s. To a daughter of a Italian diplomat.

Dianna brought them into the kitchen to get them something to eat. Bianca and Nico were becoming comfortable in the home.

"Do you have any kids?" Nico asked

"We have a daughter." Clark said

"Where is she then?" Bianca asked

When she asked that Dianna got a message. It was from Percy. It said that she was on Themycira. Training and making a dress.

"She is at her grandmother's home." Dianna said

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