Chapter 22: Luke poisons Thalia's tree

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Percy was waken up to her friend Clarisse La Rue screaming at her to wake up. And it was through an Iris message. Iris was the goddess of the rainbows. And if you ask Iris nicely, her powers could be used like a godly video phone.

It was the middle of the night. It was two days after the gala at Wayne manor. Two days since Percy and her friends gotten a little drunk.

"What is it Brawn?" Percy asked once she woke up

"Luke attacked the camp. He knew that he and the others who he had turned could not get through the barrier anymore, so he poisoned the tree. Percy, he poisoned Thalia." Clarisse said

By the end the daughter of Ares was crying. No one has ever seen this girl cry. Not even if she got hurt doing something. Everyone had started to believe that she couldn't cry. They all knew she would yell when she was in pain but never cry.

Percy's heart dropped at hearing what Clarisse had said. Thalia was her older cousin, Jason's older sister. And she had to do something to help. She had to go find a way to save her.

"Percy, I was tasked to find the Golden Fleece to heal her. But I need your help." Clarisse cried as her voice cracked

It was a good thing that Clark was in a deep sleep right now. But Percy heard creaking of floorboards in the hall. Someone was awake.

"Of course I'll help you. Just give me an hour and I'll be right there." Percy said

Percy didn't let the noise she heard bother her.

"Okay." Clarisse said quietly

Percy swiped through the mist to hang up. She got out of bed and grabbed the bottomless pull string backpack she was given on her 12th birthday. She was tearing up. Percy had never met Thalia, but through Jason and her uncle Zeus, Percy thought she knew her uncles daughter.

Percy gotten dressed. She didn't know what she was putting on. She put on Jason's old camp shirt that she stole on with her camp sweatshirt over. And she put on some short jean shorts.

Percy quickly scribbled a note down on a piece of paper. She taped it to her father's forehead knowing he doesn't move all that much in the night. Percy soon left the house and ran to the zeta tube. A zeta tube had been secretly placed at camp half blood by Dianna, Dionysus and Chiron.

It was just outside the Poseidon cabin. There was another in Olympus for when Percy or Dianna went for a visit and didn't want to deal with the security at the Empire State Building in New York. There was one already in Atlantis because of Arthur.

Percy ran towards the zeta tube as fast as she could. She was scared out of her mind. Clarisse was her friend and she was terrified beyond belief. Thalia was Clarisse's friend before she was attacked and died. Luke was Clarisse's friend too before Kronos turned him.

High hopes by panic at the disco, kept playing over and over and over again in Percy's head. That was the only thing that kept her from collapsing on the ground and screaming at the top of her lungs. Percy pushed through the mental pain and kept running the two miles. Percy could do it too.

She used to run all the way around the island of Themycira while there. Percy was breathless by the time she reached the zeta tube. It wasn't because of the run, the two miles was nothing for her. It was because of what was on her mind.

Percy punched in the code for camp. The computer said 'CHB G01'. The tube lite up in all of it's reddish pink glory. The G stood for Gods, and godly areas. Percy took a deep breath and stepped through.

Percy got to the camp a little bit earlier than she expected. Once there she saw a one of the Apollo kids standing guard with a bow and arrow and a sword. It was Austin Lake, the only one at the camp who liked being a night owl.

There was only one guard because the whole camp knew that the only people who came through were the good guys. Austin nodded to Percy knowing that she was one of a few people who had the code for the camp's zeta tube. Percy nodded back as she held a necklace Lee gave her a couple of weeks ago and pressed a button to lock down this one.

Dianna was the only one who knew the override code. And it's called flying over because she didn't want to go to Star labs for one to be made.

Percy walked as she began to look around to find out where Clarisse was. It wasn't long before Percy found Clarisse crying under a tree near the Poseidon cabin. Clarisse knew about the tube.

She was there when Dianna, Dionysus and Chiron installed it. The tree Clarisse was sitting under had been decorated with coral, seashells and a couple of horse shoes, but no fish.

Each cabin got their own tree in camp to decorate. Dianna secretly brought Jason in and did one for the Zeus cabin. Everyone knew that Dianna was a child of Zeus. And they knew not to complain about it, not even once.

Percy sat next to the daughter of Ares. Percy knew that just sitting next to someone was comfort in itself. It let the person know that you were there for them. Percy knew that Clarisse wasn't a typical girl who let out their emotions that was not rage. Clarisse loved rage.

"Hush now, mo stóirín. Close your eyes and sleep. Waltzing the waves. Diving in the deep.

"Stars are shining bright. The wind is on the rise. Whispering words. Of long lost lullabies.

"Oh won't you come with me. Where the moon is made of gold. And in the morning sun. We'll be sailing. Oh won't you come with me.

"Where the ocean meets the sky. And as the clouds roll by. We'll sing the song of the sea." Percy sang in a soft quiet voice to the crying Clarisse next to her

As Percy sang Clarisse put her head on her friends shoulder and barrier her face in Percy's neck. The Clarisse put her legs onto Percy's lap like a child. Percy could feel the wetness of Clarisse's tears on her skin.

Percy knew this was Clarisse's way of saying to others, 'I am not okay. Please help me.' After a half hour, Clarisse pulled herself together.

"Are you going to be okay or do you need another minute?" Percy asked

"I'm okay." Clarisse sniffled

Percy stood then pulled Clarisse to her.

"So where is the Golden Fleece?" Percy asked

"Polyphemus's island. The Island is in The Sea of Monsters and the mortals call it the Bermuda triangle." Clarisse said

Percy knew Bruce took his yacht down to the Key West Islands in Florida. The yacht had a zeta pad on it. Percy took out her portable zeta tube and punched in the code for the yacht.

"Recognizing Persephone Kent 0-9. Recognizing Clarisse La Rue D-04." The computer said

Percy ran out of the room to see the yacht was docked. Clarisse soon followed.

"Feel like island hopping?" Percy asked in a joking manner

Clarisse looked to her friend. There was a smile on her face.

"I thought you'd never ask." Clarisse said in the same manner but with a British accent in her voice and with this evil little smirk she uses right before a prank

Percy and Clarisse raced off of the yacht as fast as they could with Percy leading the way to the gang plank. They only slowed down enough for Percy to give her uncle a kiss on the cheek. Bruce knew to never ask questions about his nieces activities involving in the camp or demigods or the gods.

The duo ended up at C.C.'s spa and resort. They had made a mess of everything when C.C. turned Clarisse into a ginny pig and tried to get Percy to be her sidekick.

Black beard let the two girls sail on his ship till they reached Polyphemus's island. Which took a couple of days. I'm the mean time, the girls helped out on deck.

They soon learned that everyone aboard was a demigod like them. For about a minute or two, Clarisse and Percy were in shock.


When the Kent house woke up the next morning, Clark found the note Percy left for them.

It said that Percy went to help Clarisse fix Thalia's tree. To find the Golden Fleece in the sea of monsters.

Dianna and Clark became worried. Their daughter was doing a dangerous quest.

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