Chapter 13: Princess of the Amazons

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It's been an eventful week since Percy had arrived in Themyscira. It was full of fighting and training. Everyone was impressed with her abilities she gained from her camp and the league so far.

Today, after a week, Percy would become a princess of the island warrior nation. She had been dreaming of this all her life. Being a real life princess. Something she only done at Disneyland when she stayed at Oliver's house for a couple of weeks.

Right now she is in her bath tub. She was getting ready. And per the rules, the girls going into a coronation can't fight on the day of the ceremony. And they have to be really clean. When the girl eats, she wears really old clothes in case of stains.

Dianna came into her daughter's rooms an hour after Percy had eaten her lunch and had a bath. It was another hour and a half to the ceremony. And Percy was nervous.

"Come on. Let's get you dressed." Dianna said then she left

Percy got out of the tub. She put her sopping wet hair into a towel turban and then scrubbed her skin dry. When Percy let's her, now damp, hair out of the towel, she uses her powers to dry her hair.

Then she puts a robe on and walks out to her mother who was by the vanity mirror. Dianna brushes Percy's hair out. Dianna began to sing the Ýpnos nanourísmatos. Or the Sleep Lullaby in English.

"Κοιμηθείτε, και όταν σηκωθείτε θα σας κάνω δώρο της Κωνσταντινούπολης και της Βενετίας και της Χίου με τα πλοία της.  Για να κάνεις τον εαυτό σου διάσημο στην Ανατολή και τη Δύση, να οδηγήσεις στην Αγία Σοφία και να προσευχηθείς εκεί." Dianna sang softly

(Sleep, and when you rise I will make you a present of Constantinople and Venice and Chios with its ships; To make yourself a man famous in the East and the West, To ride on to St. Sophia and pray there.)

Percy felt all floaty and nice. She loved the sound of her mother's voice. And when Dianna sings to her daughter like this, Percy usually starts to hum subconsciously. But the humming stops when Dianna stops her singing.

Percy was put into her dress and shoes. The tiara Percy was shown had been taken to the arena earlier that morning. But there was a headdress that was put on Percy's head. It was like the Hindu's head dressings.

Dianna lead Percy to the arena. There Percy saw Hippolyta and Antiope on the stage. The other Amazons were in the seats. From what Percy saw, everyone was dressed nicely. Hippolyta, Dianna and Antiope were dressed the nicest.

Percy sat down in a chair in the middle of the stage.

"Today we crown a third generation royal! Today we recognize my granddaughter as our princess!" Hippolyta yelled

She yelled so everyone could hear her. The others cheered. They all loved Percy. She was a good fighter and she cared for the others when they got injured during training.

Percy had used her water healing to quickly heal those around her when they couldn't get to the medic. Percy had liked that ability. Especially when she along with Piper and Annabeth went to give Zeus the lightening bolt back.

The mood suddenly changed. Hippolyta started to say a prayer to the gods above. The prayer to bless Percy for being a princess of Themyscira.

"Στους παραπάνω θεούς, ας αναγνωρίσουμε τη νέα μας πριγκίπισσα.  Παρακαλώ την ευλογήστε με τη γνώση που χρειάζεται εδώ.  Παρακαλώ την ευλογήστε ως Αμαζόνιο.  Στους παραπάνω θεούς, ας αναγνωρίσουμε τη νέα μας πριγκίπισσα."

(To the gods above, let us recognize our new princess. Please bless her with the knowledge she needs here. Please bless her as an Amazon. To the gods above, let us recognize our new princess.)

"Ας αναγνωρίσουμε τη νέα μας πριγκίπισσα." All of the Amazons in the arena said at the same time, (Let us recognize our new princess.)

There was a hot pink/magenta glow followed by a teal and a light blueish white glows had surrounded Percy. This didn't happen to Dianna when she was crowned as princess. This was a new thing.

It showed Hippolyta and everyone that their new princess was involved with the gods more then they were.

Then there was this loud thundery sound of, "Θα κάνει μια ωραία πριγκίπισσα." coming from the sky above. (She will make a fine princess.) It sounded like Zeus's voice.

The ceremony went on as planned without a hitch. Much to Hippolyta's and Antiope's pleasure.

—With the gods—

"Θα κάνει μια ωραία πριγκίπισσα." Zeus said, (She will make a fine princess.)

Aphrodite, Hera and Zeus were in the throne room on Olympus looking down onto the Amazon people crowning Percy as their princess.

"What's going on?" Asked Poseidon who just came into the room

"The Amazon people are crowning your daughter their princess." Aphrodite said

Poseidon looked down to Themycira. He saw the ceremony finishing up. There was a pang in his heart. He always thought that Percy would do the crowning ceremony in Atlantis only.

But the fates had said when Percy stepped foot in the camp, that her destiny changed dramatically when Sally and Paul were killed and Percy was adopted by Clark. Then again slightly when Dianna came into Clark and Percy's lives.

They also said it changed slightly when Ares said he was her godfather. And again when they saw Hera being nice to her.

Poseidon's heart broke a little. He knew that his daughter would be like this, but he didn't think this would happen.

Poseidon left the throne room and went to his home in the ocean. There he met Arthur who was waiting for him.

"Father, are you well?" Arthur asked

"Your sister was just crowned an Amazon princess today." Poseidon said

"Yes. Dianna had told the League that Queen Hippolyta wanted Percy to be an Amazon since Percy was ten months old." Arthur said

"Really?" Poseidon inquired

"Definitely. Dianna also wished for Percy to integrate into Atlantean Society as well as Amazonian." Arthur said

This news shocked the sea god. It was true that he didn't know Dianna very well. But he didn't expect her to want Percy to be in tune with her whole background.

"Did she say why?" Poseidon asked

"Dianna said it was to help Percy with fulfilling the prophecy." Arthur said

Poseidon nodded. He knew Percy was the only demigod child of the big three that was alive and not in the lotus casino.

Arthur soon left his father's home to go to Mera and Atlantis. Poseidon sat in his homes throne room thinking of what his son just said to him.

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