Chapter Six

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Warning: slightly more mature content

Instantly, her eyes darkened and she pushed me back against the desk, the wood biting harshly into my skin as her lips collided with mine. I gasped, and she took the opportunity to deepen this kiss, her hands sneaking down to my lower back, separating it from the painful edge of the hard wood. Though my head was spinning, my entire body beating in rhythm with my heart, I found the gesture to be sweet.

I let my eyes flutter shut, stretching my neck forward to press further into her. My hands moved to rest on her chest, clenching against the fabric of her shirt in surprise when she scooped me up in a single motion, placing me on top of one of the larger desks in the room.

Before she could reconnect our lips, I spoke.

"Wait, I-I... I didn't check the schedule, I don't know when the next lecture might start in this classroom--" I said quickly, breath labored. That wasn't what I had meant to say; I had meant to tell her to stop.

She narrowed her eyes playfully, lowering her mouth to my neck and pressing her lips against the sensitive crux of my neck and my collarbone. I shuddered a soft whine, hands moving to grip her sides tightly.

"I did. It's free for the rest of today; no one will come in here," she spoke against the skin of my neck, the vibrations traveling straight to my core.

She checked the schedule? Does that mean she...?

I didn't have time to continue my suspicions, though, because my mind turned to mush when she began trailing ruthless kisses up and down my neck. Electricity leaped from my skin wherever her lips met it, and the feeling was almost unbearable. I had to work to keep my voice from coming out too loud.

"Your moans are adorable," she told me, and I would have been incredibly embarrassed if I wasn't busy being so turned on. Goddammit, her face should be illegal. I had had plenty of sexual partners before this, but none of them had ever been so... attentive.

A gasp escaped me when she slipped a hand under my shirt, cold fingers fondling one of my breasts. I let my head fall back, pleasure traveling down to my core.

"Fuck," I cursed as she met my lips with her own once more. The feeling was overwhelming, addicting, and I found myself trembling and sensitive under her touch.

When she pulled back, I had to fight myself for control. Half of me wanted for her to continue, but the other half knew it was definitely not the time nor place to do so. I panted heavily, closing my eyes so I didn't have to look at her-- if I saw the look on her face, like a hungry animal devouring its prey, I wasn't sure I would be able to hold myself back.

"Grace," I said again, voice pathetically shaky, "what--"

"Don't say my name like that," she warned, and my eyes threatened to open when I felt her hand on my chin again, heat radiating off of my body. I took a deep breath, and then another, forcing myself to calm.

"Can you... back up?" I requested, pleading. She obliged silently, and I really wanted to know what expression she had. Or what expression I had, for that matter.

"Why are you keeping your eyes closed like that?" She asked, amused, as she distanced herself. Without her literally inches in front of me, I could finally feel myself start to cool down.

"..." I couldn't tell her, oh, it's because if I look at you I'll end up begging you to continue. Instead, I made the executive decision to change the subject. "Why did you... do that?" Wow, I really asked that. Wow. I was so embarrassed, I could feel my face practically melting.

"Open your eyes first," she said.


Silence. Then, a chuckle, low. It went straight to my core. Fuck, I needed to get away from her before I winded up losing all of my dignity.

No, you're a grown woman, Morgan. You can calm down enough to get some answers first. How dare you let your guard down in front of royalty -- and a Belloway at that. Was the oath you made to your father's grave all of those years ago this delicate?

"Why?" I repeated, belligerent. She hummed as if she were deliberating her answer.

"Because I felt like it?"

"That's a lie," I fought out. My father's words echoed in my mind. Never trust a Belloway.


"Yeah. You said you... checked the schedule."

"What, do you think I'm planning something?" Another laugh, though this one was harsher, almost sadder. My eyes flew open and I shot up. Grace's back was to me, and I approached her with caution, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder from behind. Sparks shot from where I touched her, but I pretended not to notice.

"Grace--" I started again, but she cut me off, removing my hand from her shoulder delicately as she moved to exit the room.

"I'll see you later, rabbit."


reading this again feels like watching my kid steal a kiss. morgan stop. morgan no. bad morgan. stop that.

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