Chapter Thirty-nine (pt. 2)

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I stood, straightened myself, and time resumed once more, but the still silence that had just decorated the air survived.

In front of me, four of the five attackers lay dead, their throats slit by the small bursts of wind I had formed during the seconds time had paused.

The knights had been forced into a kneel before Grace, who stood silently outside the carriage, an embellishment I had decided after their absurd rudeness toward me. They would be released by the voice-sealing magic by the time I had achieved my purpose.

I felt Grace's gaze on the back of my neck, and tried not to turn toward her.

"Your first mistake," I let the dead know as I walked toward the boy, "was underestimating the next Duke Belloway." They could underestimate me, foolish as it was, but looking down on Grace was a fatal mistake. After all, she had managed to catch herself a furious High Mage who would do anything she asked.

The boy was restrained in the air, glaring at me furiously as I approached. I had sealed his magic, and he didn't have enough physical power to even attempt to struggle; he appeared malnourished, abused, and this was the reason I hadn't killed him.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" I asked him, not waiting for a reply. "You remind me of myself. Alone, hated, but powerful. Enraged, counting down the days until you can take your revenge, take their lives into your hands and end them." I released him from his floating restraint, holding his shoulder firmly and pushing him toward where Grace stood, knights still kneeled before her.

She was a sight-- her hair blew wildly around her stone face, crystal blue of her eyes lightened to a radiant shine under the bright sun, holding herself in the royal way she always did. If it had been the first time I had seen her, I would have mistaken her for the Goddess.

"This is your new master," I told the boy as Grace's eyes first swarmed over me, my face, my arms, the place where my robes had been dirtied when I fell. "You will serve her, and she will treat you well."

Finally, Grace's eyes moved to the boy. He stared up at her, and instantly his fury melted into something between awe and terror. I had seen it before, how others looked at Grace. It might have been her royal blood, but people obeyed her intrinsically-- feared her, respected her, listened to her without ever needing to know who she was. It was as if serving Grace Belloway was the most natural thing in the world to do.

The presence of a royal.

Grace's soft voice broke through the stillness like dawn. "You will be fed. You will be clothed. You will no longer be beaten or degraded," she told him, not a promise but an assertion. Then, she turned to me, her stone gaze unreadable. "But do not be mistaken, it was not I who saved you. I will not be your master."

I furrowed my eyebrows as she placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder, the same place I had, but he didn't flinch at her touch.

"My lady..." I started , but she held a hand up to silence me.

"This woman is Morgan Eclaire, High Mage for the duchal territory of Anglesian within the great kingdom of Belland. It is an honor to serve her, so be grateful I have chosen her to be your master."

She then turned to address the knights, who had long been freed of their silence but still kneeled out of respect of their lady's honor.

"Heed this, knights! High Mage Belloway was selected for excellence, and I will not tolerate disrespect. Many of you were appointed knights after my father graciously took you in despite your common background, so I am certain you are aware that family background does not affect the competence of a warrior. You will obey her commands as a High Mage, and you will be grateful to be mentored under her excellence."

The air rang with her voice, with her authority, as she laced her royal magic into every word. I was transfixed.

"Is that understood, knights?"

"Yes, my lady," a cacophony of voices rung. Grace smiled at the shivering boy beside her, urging him forward.

"Go," she said. He approached me tentatively, and I steeled my expression.

"Knights," I spoke, low, turning my glare upon them. "What occurred today was unacceptable. You disobeyed a High Mage appointed by your master, Lady Belloway. You endangered the lady by acting without orders. This behavior will not continue, and pray that your punishment may be light when we get to our destination."

"Yes, High Mage!"

"You are dismissed."

Goddess, I was tired.


I'm back!! I hope your new year went well.

I finally got myself together, so this story will be resuming


I redid chapters 37-39, and the changes I made were very significant, so make sure to read them again! I put (Edited) in their titles.

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