Chapter Ten

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The lecture, on my part, was strained, though the students didn't seem to notice in any particular way. Grace, who had been staring at me less as of late, didn't seem to recognize the stiffness with which I squinted at the too-bright light in the classroom and how it made my head pound.

It was weird how I missed her blue-blue eyes on me as I danced around the classroom, helping students understand how to call upon their mana for different spells. My class was less of a question-answer seminar and more of an interactive lecture, but whenever I did happen to call on a student who didn't know the answer she would retrieve it for them immediately when I asked her to help out.

I smiled to myself as I remembered my conversation with Katarina-- how I had been asked by her to answer a question I didn't know the answer to. I was under so much pressure, back then, and it felt like the world was ending to hear my classmates whisper in surprise when I told the teacher I didn't have the answer.

Five years later, I recognized that it wasn't the end of the world at all, but a normal experience for someone to go through.

After class ended Grace left somewhat quickly, and a part of my brain wondered if she was going to visit Olivia, 'me,' in the infirmary. My heart fluttered, and for a moment I wished I was truly a student again so I could be there when she arrived, wake up to her, see her concerned eyes hover over me.

Not that they would; it was just a childish fantasy. I had responsibility, as an adult, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down and get lost in student life.

Still, it was nice to play pretend as 'Olivia.' I hadn't enjoyed my own student days at all, constantly working more and more to keep up with my reputation. Olivia had a rather punitive reputation as an okay-swordsman, where it was unknown why she was accepted to a prestigious academy on scholarship because her skills were hardly above average at best. Because of that, I could afford to relax because losing a fight didn't mean losing everything.

"Professor," a kind voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I found myself staring awkwardly at the ever-present smile on Anna's face.

"Anna, uh, thank you for being such a good student; I'll make sure to set up a time where we can chat about the class material with you later. Would you please come talk to me again after class tomorrow?" I requested, wanting nothing more than to lay down and take some more pain killers.

"Absolutely!" Anna grinned, "I'll remember to do that. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," I said, before pausing. I examined Anna, who stared back curiously. "You know, you should have more confidence in yourself. You're brilliant and you always do well on the tests, so don't stress yourself out too much." Though her smile didn't waver, I caught a bit of surprise in her eyes at my words. I knew everyone tended to underestimate her because of her dedication to her brother. People thought she was dependant on him, when in fact, she was practically a genius by herself.

Before I could move to pack up my things, the classroom door swung open, Annakin Belloway striding in.

"Anna, what's taking so long?" He asked her, and when he noticed what she was doing his eyes flickered to me. They widened. "Professor Eclaire!"

"...Hello, Lord Belloway," I greeted, slowly. I hadn't interacted with him much, but all of the other professors seemed wary. I wasn't naive enough not to heed caution. He stepped forward, placing his palms on my desk and leaning forward so our faces were close. I pulled back in alarm.

"Hmm... such a shame I can't use magic. I'm jealous of my sister for being able to look at you all day in class," he flirted, winking coyly. I blinked back.

"Um, thank you, Lord Belloway. It's unfortunate that I wasn't gifted with a stellar student such as yourself as well. I've heard great things about you from the other professors," I lied. He laughed jovially.

"Such a charmer. Better watch yourself, Professor, a guy might start thinking you like him." This time, Anna giggled, taking his arm and pulling him to the door.

"Bye-bye, Professor, I'll see you tomorrow," Anna waved.

"It was nice to meet you, Professor Eclaire," Annakin said. I smiled uncomfortably at them.

"Have a wonderful day, you two," I wished them, somewhat sincerely. Mostly I just wanted Annakin out of the room.

The dynamic between the Belloway twins was rather odd. They were particularly close, so much so that everyone thought Anna was practically a vegetable-- that she had no ambition outside of her brother, and no talent outside of him either. From what I could tell, she was as cunning and strong as he was, but it was true that she seemed to have no interest outside of furthering his career. What a chilling loyalty. I shivered to think of being on their bad side.

But, if I ended up favoring Grace as the heir to the Duke's title, I might just end up there.


I entered the large room haphazardly, feeling worse by the second. My headache had come back with vengeance, but as I was leaving to go sleep it off an aide came to tell me that the principal wanted to see me.

"What do you need, Principal?" I asked as I entered.

"As straight to the point as ever, Professor Morgan Eclaire." I watched his smile warily.

"I apologize; I have a bit of a headache."

"Ha!" He laughed. "As if that's ever stopped you before." I didn't know how to respond to that.

"What do you need me for?" I repeated, instead. His face fell into cool seriousness easily, and I took a seat on the plush chair across from him. He laced his fingers together, leaning forward on his elbows, as he spoke.

"The Duke commends you for your excellent job so far," he started. I could feel the hatred filter through me at the mention of the Duke.

"Thank you."

"Because of your phenomenal judgment, he's requesting that you report to him your choice for the title of Duke by the end of the month."

It felt like a bucket of ice-cold water had been poured over me, and I could barely bite back my gasp.

"He...!" At the end of the month? He wanted my impression by then?

But no, it wasn't just my impression, he wanted my choice. He gave me the power to directly influence who inherited the title. Me, who was a part of the Eclaire family. Just what was he thinking, making me the Selector? Royal politics were dangerous-- was this a complicated way of getting me killed? I wouldn't put it past a member of the Belloway household. I would never enter the Belloway household, but at moments like these I wished I could. Just what was the true meaning behind the role of Selector? It was a sacred ritual, said to reduce bias, or something. I wondered why the nobility had let the role continue– they hated power being taken out of their hands. Especially by a commonor like myself.

"Please seat yourself, Professor," the principal said. I looked down in surprise-- I hadn't even realized I had stood up. I seated myself delicately and cleared my throat.

"My apologies."

"No worries, Professor." His eyes held an amused spark, but also something deeper. "Please know that the Duke is not intending any harm to come to you. He merely respects you and wants to know your wishes."

"Why does he... I mean, why does he value my opinion at all? I'm just a professor, and a commoner at that," I stuttered, my words coming out rushed. He wanted an Eclaire of all people to choose? Was he crazy? He had to know how much my family hated royalty.

"That was the Duke's decision. Now, I understand that you aren't feeling well. I'll allow you to take tomorrow off and rest," he beamed, clasping his hands together before gesturing to the door. Our time here was over.

"It was a pleasure to see you, Principal," I lied as I rose to exit. "Don't worry about the day off. I can handle a little headache." It wasn't like the principal to hand out favors-- the only sweets he knew how to give were poison, and I wouldn't bite.

"Of course. Then, I readily await your decision," I could practically hear the twinkle in his eyes at those words, though I was no longer facing him.

I had been given the authority to choose the next heir. I bit my lip, eyebrows pulling together sourly.

The Goddess had a funny way of being cruel.

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