Chapter 5: Meeting Kenny and his family

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Me, Clem, and Lee was still in the barn sleeping, it wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, but I have not slept well in days. Then a sudden light hit my face as the barn door was opening, I woke up to see a man with a mustache, a brown hat, a white polo shirt, and blue jeans.

Man: Hey, get up.

This woke Clementine and Lee as well, we all got up from our sheets.

Clementine: I'm itchy.

Man: Well you slept in a barn, little lady. Lucky you don't have spiders in your hair

Clementine gasped then checked her hair for spiders, I chuckled a little.

Man: But I bet your daddy scared 'em all away, huh?

Lee: I'm not her dad. Name's Lee.

Man: I'm Kenny

Then a little boy ran up to the barn.

Boy: Dad! We're gonna build a fence! There's a tractor and everything!

Then he ran off.

Kenny: We better get going or we won't hear the end of it.

Kenny and Lee start walking out of the barn, I walk up to Clementine.

Y/N: You got spiders in your hair?

I playfully ask her.

Clementine: No... Be quiet.

She said a little embarrassed. I laugh at her and she starts laughing too. We both then catch up with Lee and Kenny.

Kenny: That's my boy, Ken Junior. We call him Duck, though.

I try my hardest not to laugh at the name.

Lee: Dodging or quacking?

Then I start giggling.

Kenny: Quacking.


Kenny: See?

We then see Duck with a woman, I assume its Duck's mother and Kenny's wife.

Kenny: The word is you were on your way to Macon.

Lee: My family is from there.

Kenny: Well Macon's on the way and, personally, I'd appreciate the company of a guy who can knock a couple of heads together if he has to.

Lee: Sure, we'll... tag along.

Kenny: It's a plan then.

Kenny then looks at his family.

Honey, Duck, this is Lee and uh, what's the kid's names.

Lee: Clementine and Y/N.

Kenny: Clementine and Y/N.

Wife: I like those names.

Clementine & Y/N: Thanks.

Then Shawn walks over to us.

Shawn: Well, we should get to work. We've seen what those things can do out there so the faster we get this fence up, the better.

Duck: I want to build a fence.

Shawn: Yeah? Well I need a good foreman. You can sit on the tractor and yell at me whenever I take a water break.

Duck: On the tractor? Cool!

Shawn Duck and I will hop to it.

They both walk away.

Wife: I can keep an eye on your little girl and little boy here on the porch. We can visit.

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