Chapter 25: Crawford

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We were in the sewers when walking to Crawford. This was the way we could sneak in. We arrived to where we could climb the ladder out of the sewers and into Crawford. 

Vernon: This should be it. We're right underneath the center of Crawford, the old school should be directly above us.

Lee: Okay people, this is it. Remember the plan. We stay hidden, and we stay together. We find what we need and we get the hell out before anyone even knows we're there. Got it?

Lee then looks at Clem.

Lee: And that part about staying close? That goes double for you.

We all climb up and get out pf the sewers.

Lee: Let's go.

We all sneak to the school.

Vernon: Where is everybody? There should be guards patrolling.

Kenny: What, are you disappointed?

Vernon: It's just strange, is all.

Christa: I think I see one. Over there, by the door.

Lee: Okay, me, Kenny, and Y/N will sneak up, try to take him out quiet. The rest of you wait for our signal then follow us over. Everybody got it? Okay Kenny and Y/N, let's do this quiet. No shooting unless there's no other choice.

Kenny: Right behind you.

Y/N: I got your back.

We then sneak to him, he turns around, revealing himself a walker.

Lee: What the FUCK?

Lee takes him out. There are more walkers around the area.

Lee: What the FUCK is a walker doing inside here? Get inside, fast!

We all do what he says and get inside. We run upstairs in the school and close the door.

Kenny: Fuck. Fuck! Do you think anyone saw us?

Lee: I don't think so. I think we're good, for now at least.

Christa: What the hell happened here? I thought this place was supposed to be secure!

Molly: What always happens, I guess. In the end, the dead always win.

Ben: Oh man, we are so screwed...

Vernon: No, this is good.

Y/N: How?

Vernon: Before, these guys were smart and had guns. Now they are walkers who are dumb and don't have guns.

Kenny: I agree. So long as we don't let 'em box us in, we can still do this. The plan hasn't changed.

Ben: The plan hasn't changed? Every time walkers show up the plan changes! Do you know how many of them are out there?

Y/N: You want to do a headcount?! How about you be useful for once and help us out by not "Running Away" when it gets too scary for you!

Brie: Come on, I think I know which way to head.

Ben: I got a bad feeling about this.

We find a empty classroom.

Brie: Here.

We go inside. Lee tries to open the armory door that is in the classroom but it's locked.

Lee: Figures.

Kenny: Looks like they were using this room as some kind of command center.

Molly: Okay, so now what? Where do we start looking?

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