Chapter 27: Finding Clem

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I walk up to Lee and take the walkie from him.

Y/N: You're fucking DEAD. I don't know who you are but I will kill you, do you understand?

???: I know you will. She knows you will. Say goodbye.

Clementine: Goodbye--

Then the radio turns off.

Lee: Fuck.

Y/N: Don't worry Clem. I will find you.

Kenny: Yeah. We'll get her back.

We look at Lee's bite. It has gotten worse.

Christa: How is that feeling.

Lee: Not great. My hand is hot and it's thumping a little bit

Kenny: You seem okay for now.

Walkers began to come in. I ran to the door. Everyone but Lee did.

Y/N: We got the door Lee! Find us a way out!

As Lee went to find a way out. He found a elevator. He then passed out.


We barricade the door and we run towards Lee. I checked his pulse. He was still alive.

Y/N: He is alive.

Kenny: What should we do?

I started thinking then I got an answer.

Y/N: Lets cut the arm off.

Kenny: What?!

Y/N: It can save him, or slow down his progress of becoming a walker.

Omid: Good plan.

We got him on the table and Kenny got a saw to use. He was about start cutting but Lee woke up.


Kenny let go of his arm.

Lee: What are you guys doing?!

Y/N: We thought because of your bite, it would help cutting it off.

Kenny: If there is a chance that it stops you from turning, we have to take it.

Lee: Fuck it. Cut it off.

Christa: Are you sure.

Lee: Yeah.

Kenny gets his saw and gets ready.

Lee: Just make it-- AHHHHHHHH

Kenny already started cutting as Lee kept screaming.

Kenny: I know! I know!

Lee then passed out from the pain.

We bandaged his arm and saw the elevator he tried to open. I got it open as everyone had their eye on Lee. He woke up.

Y/N: How are you feeling Lee?

Lee: I still feel my arm there. What the hell?

Y/N: I got the elevator open. Let's go.

We climbed up to the roof. We saw one of the bell towers. Lee saw a ladder and set it up.

Y/N: Let me do it Lee. I am the lightest and you are in no condition.

Lee: You sure?

Y/N: Yeah.

Lee: Be careful.

Y/N: I will.

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