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Days went on, everyone in the office used to tease me, keep on telling that they're happy to know that I'm in a relationship. I also confirm that I'm dating so rumors stop bothering me as well as the fools.
Work is monotonous, there are times that I went over seas and on other cities for business errands.
Dylan and I remain good friends, he used to pissed me even more.
Jace and Abby is doing great, I think Jace really change for the better. The usual they still visit us during weekends.
Anthony and I became... well we're going strong. Days, weeks, months had passed but he proves that he's really sincerely about me, about us. We used to watch movies, went picnic, went shopping, we also travelled around the city and planning to travel around the world. He always take me on a date, prepare something special for our monthsaries, he never failed to show how much he loved me. I'm really lucky to have met him. I felt my love for him grow deeper and deeper.
The only thing that I need to be accustomed is he's jealous. He's been very jealous when someone just looked at me, he will kissed me in front of them, or he always hold my hand showing everyone that I belong to him. I found it sweet because when he gets jealous he just throw a little tantrums but can be feasible to ease when I assured him that I love him. He never get mad at me, and so I did. We used to teased and pissed each other but we don't fight, which I'm relieved. I know love is not a fairytale but you can make it wonderful.

"Deep thoughts." Dylan snapped his fingers in  my face.
"Yeah I'm just thinking how days went fast."
"Sure fast, are you happy?" He asked.
"Yes I am." I said sincere.
"Good thing." He smiled at me.
"You should find someone, Dy." I suggested.
He chuckled. "No need."
"But why?"
"I am happy even I can't have her." He said.
"So you like someone?" I'm confused.
"Yeah ages ago." He smirked.
"Don't be a coward, why don't you tell her?"
"I can't, I'm just happy with what we have." He explained.
"Oh you really like her, huh?"
"Yes, I really do." He smiled. I smiled back at him. This man is really a good one. I wish he can find her true love, just like me...

Dinner setting change a bit, Abby sat besides Jace, and Anthony sat beside me.
"We have good news." Jace said cheerful.
We looked at them. Jace hold Abby's hand...
" I'm pregnant!" Abby said smiling.
Mom and dad smiled at them.
"That's great! Bby make sure its a boy, so I can have my revenge." I said playful.
"Calm yourself young lady, you need to beat me first before you can bully my child." Jace smirked.
"I never thought you can be a good man." I teased him.
He glared at me, I laughed at him.
"So did your parents know about it?" Mom asked.
"Not yet Mam I called them earlier that we're going to visit them tommorow." Abby said.
"Dear just call me Ver, or Mom." She smiled.
"Ohh.. okay mom." Abby said ashame.
Mom nod at her and gave assuring smile.
"When did you want to get married?" Dad asked.
"We're planning about it dad, maybe few months from now." Jace answered polite.
"Okay, Abby are you sure you want to get married to this punk?" Dad teased.
"Ah.. I have no choice sir." Abby smiled.
"What! You must be grateful that you had the chance to be my woman." Jace exclaimed.
We laughed at him. He's really hot headed.
"Look he's hot headed, I pity you lady." Dad continue pissed Jace.
"I am planning to open an ice shop." Abby smiled.
Dad chuckled. Jace knotted his brow,
"Ice shop huh? You want me tell them how you beg for me to marry you?" Jace smirked.
Abby blushed, "Look dad, she's really head over heels to me." Jace said playful.
"Whatever gaffer! I didn't beg you!" Abby exclaimed.
Mom and dad just laughed at them.
"I pity their child." I whispered.
"Yeah you want to adapt their child?"
"No, he's maybe like Jace."
"Of course not, we can have our OWN child." Anthony whispered on my ear. I felt my cheek heated.
"Care to share what's your talking about?" Jace smirked.
"We're just planning on how to make sure that the kid will not inherit your attribute Jace!" I smirked.
"You two really worried huh." He glared.
We both laughed at him. The rest of the dinner is livelier than usual...

"Do you want me to come with you tommorow?"
"No Z its okay, I know you have important things to attend to." Abby winked at me.
"Silly, we can come with you."
"I appreciate Z, I just want Kyler to face my parents on his own, I know they will be easy on him if you're around, I know you understand what I mean." Abby explained.
"Yeah Bby, I understand."
"Thank you Zoe, I owe you a lot." She reached for my hand.
"No, we owe you. Being with Jace is really a huge deal."
"At first I doubted that he can change, but he did Z. And I'm happy that he did it for me and for our child." She said sincerely.
" I'm happy for you Bby, for both of you."
"You should be happy too Z." She smiled.
"Yes Bby, I will." I smiled back at her.
"So tell me how is he on bed?" She winked.
"Abby!" I exclaimed. She laughed at me.
"I'm just kidding dear."
"You're really importunate!" I glared at her.
"I know you two are being cautious, good thing that you both taking steps slowly and surely. I really envy you Z, honestly, you know how to handle your feelings, you never let your emotions over power you." She said bit dramatical, preggy mood?
"Hush Bby! You know I'm proud of you too. It's just that he understand me and he's fond of waiting." I let out a giggle.
Abby giggled too. "Sure he is."
"Don't think of things that will stress you huh? Just tell me whenever you feel tired, I can give months of leave."
"You really love me huh?" She smirked.
"Of course I do." I smiled.
"I enjoyed working, besides I don't want to left home alone all day, then wait for the gaffer to come home." She smirked.
I laughed at her. "Yeah it's boring."

"Your carefree days is over."
"Yeah but I'm happy." Kyler said sincere.
"So you're not heartless anymore?" I smirked.
"Jeez! I'm not heartless, just being coward once, but I'm glad I overcome it."
"You really changed huh."
"Love is just an escape... escape from darkness." He smirked.
"Woaah creepy!" I said in sarcasm.
"You should be like me." He smirked.
"What do you mean like you? You want me to gave her a child too?" I pissed.
"Jerk! Try to do something like that, I will kill you!" He exclaimed.
I laughed at him. "Of course not, I respect her and I'm willing to wait."
"You really know how to keep your life in line huh?" He said in sarcasm.
"It is proven ages ago." I smirked.
He glared at me. "I know she's really happy, now that I settle down for good. I want her happiness." He said seriously.
"Don't worry dude, I will take care of her, I will make sure that she will have the happiness you want." I said sincerely.
He looked at me seriously, "Good."

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