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I'm awake with the sound of my phone, I slowly opened my eyes, looked at the caller id... my heart felt something strange...
"Ae where are you?" Jace asked I felt sadness in his voice.
" I'm with Anthony."
"Ae, I need you." He's still sad.
"What happened?" I started to worried.
He didn't answered, he just sighed loud.
"Okay I'll be there." I hang up.
I hurriedly get up from bed, I check myself, I'm already dressed in my clothes. The jerk knows how to returned things. I need to set aside what happened, I'm ashame but Jace need me. I looked for my things.
"Hey what happened?" He asked worried.
"Jace called, I need to go to him."
"Okay let's go." He said reached for my hand then pulled me, he didn't say anything which I'm relieved, I don't know how to face him.

He speed up his drive, I know he's worried too. We headed straight to Jace penthouse, upon arrival we both jumped off the car, walked stormly to his door, Anthony open it.
His place is dark, we walked through his bedroom... Jace sat on the floor drinking...
"Hey are you okay." I approached him.
He looked at me, I saw sadness in his eyes, he didn't say a word, he pulled me into his hug. He's not crying but I felt his burden, his heavy breathing, I rubbed his back.
"Everything will be okay." He tighten his hugged, suddenly I felt my shoulder being wet, he's crying. I felt my heart sore, its the first time I saw him crying. I felt my tears going to tickle, but I prevent it, I need to be strong for him. He cry silently for minutes, Anthony just looking at us in a distant.
"Her parents want her to stayed with them for weeks or months."
"Why? How's your visit?" I asked gentle.
"They're good, they accept me on their house, they even cook food for me." I can feel hurt in his words.
"But?" I asked still rubbing his back.
"They said they want her to stayed with them for the meantime."
"They professed what is the reason?"
"No, I don't know. I can't be at ease, knowing that she's away from me, much more she's carrying my child. I want her beside me, I want to take care of her." He said sincerely.
I pulled him off, I hold his shoulders. He lift his head to face me, I saw the pain in his eyes.
"Don't worry, we can fixed this. Just trust me huh?" I smiled giving him assurance.
He just nod at me, I help him stood up.
"Come let's go home." I said.
He just nod at me, Anthony help him walked through the door, and get in him the car. I locked his house then headed straight to them, Jace already sleeping at the backseat. I checked him before I hopped in.
Anthony drove to our house, its almost midnight. I messaged Dylan that I will take a day off.

When we arrived at home, Anthony help Jace into his room, I went to my parent's room.
We need to settle things as soon as possible.

We went to Jackson's residence early in the afternoon, they're quite shock with our arrival. We brought foods for thems.
Abby ran towards to hug me.
"Shhh everything will be fine." I said rubbing her back.
"Thank you Zoe." He whispered sad.
They invite us to the living area, mom and dad took the day off to pay a visit, as well as me, Anthony and Jace.
"It's been a pleasure having you here sir, please pardon our place." Jason said while extending his hand to dad.
"Call me George, you're place is cozy, no wonder my kids love to visit." Dad said in his calm tone to avoid tension.
Jason just nod, he seems ashame.
Mom gave the basket of fruits to Abby,
"Eat this sweetie, you need this." She smiled.
Abby reached for the basket and whispered thank you. I felt the tension.
We sat on sofa, other side the Jackson's and opposite are the 5 of us. There's a silence...
"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, we are here to discuss about the situation of the young people." Dad started.
"Call me Jason."
"I'm Myra."
"Well Jason, Myra I want you to know that Abby is like a daughter to us, Zoe and her been bestfriends for years." Mom said gentle.
"I know Mam, Zoe is like a daughter to us too." Myra said.
"Just call me Ver, let's drop the formality since we will soon bond our families as one." Mom said gentle. Myra nod and smiled.
"George as you can see we don't have anything to be proud off, we're only an average people, but as a parents we want what's best for our daughter." Jason said sincere.
"I understand, we want the same. Don't say that you there's nothing to be proud off, you have your amazing daughter, you raise her well and we are thankful that our son met her, she brought him happiness. And we will be at ease if they will be together." Dad said sincere. I saw Abby cried.
"Thank you, I know your son is a good man, we're just in shock when they told us." Myra said while rubbing Abby's hand.
"I know what you feel, we're also shocked too." Mom laughed. They all smiled.
"We want to have their engagement party next week, I hope it's okay with you?" Dad asked.
"It's okay but you don't need to do that, we just want a simple wedding if possible." Jason said.
"Please let us, it's once in a lifetime event, so we want them to experience it lively." Mom said trying to convince them.
"Maybe we should let them decide?" Myra said.
Abby and Jace looked into each other, even without saying a word they understand.
"We want a simple engagement, just everyone of us." Abby said gentle.
"And for the wedding, we're planning to have it in 3 months from now." Jace said.
Mom and dad gave them a assuring smile.
"Thank you for visiting us, we really didn't expect that you will make time for us, we know you're a busy person." Jason said.
"I'm going to be a grandfather, I can set aside my job." Dad said bit cheerful.
Everyone of us smiled... I guess everything is fine...

We ate lunch together, I felt the sore in my heart fades, everyone looked happy, especially Jace and Abby. I'm grateful that I have this amazing people in my life. The happiest thing in this world is to feel loved by the people you love, no matter how many trials will pass a strong bond will surpass it. Nothing can break a wall that build by love...

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