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Marriage is not an ending, it is a new beginning. Just like Abby and Jace they started their new life together, as one.
Weeks after their wedding, I pursue Abby to took her month leave. They still pay us a visit but not as often, we understand that they want to spend more time together.

I'm glad that my brand still doing great, the whole team remain dedicated with their job that makes me happy. They been with me from the start and persistent to stay with me. We became one big family, I loved everyone of them like how I value their presence. Somethings may change but some remains the same.

"Zoe here is the report and your schedule for tommorow."
I turned to face Dylan...
"Why are you giving it now?" I'm confused.
He didn't say a word. I stare at him, he's pale his eyes swollen.
I stood up to moved closer to him.
"Hey are you okay." I asked approaching him, I hold his arm, he's hot, I moved my hand on his forehead.
"You're so hot! You have fever! Why you still came to work!" I nagged him.
He still didn't say a word, he cough, dry cough. I'm worried, he's so sick.
"Come I'll take you home." I said guiding him. He's too weak to refuse, I help him downstairs and get in to the car.

I drove him home, I help him entering his apartment. I lay him in the couch, got a cold water in a basin and a towel, I put alcohol in it. I drip the towel into the basin, squeeze it a bit, then wipe his face,I help him remove his shirt, then I wipe his upper body. I looked for a cosh shirt then help him changed. He's trembling, I covered his body with a comforter. But he's still trembling, I switch on the heater, I don't know what else I can do.
I heard him murmured but I didn't understand him, I sat beside him. He's still murmured words, "Zoe." He mentioned my name, I'm confused. I moved closer to him,
"Hey I'm here, you need something?" I asked trying to coax him. He slowly opened his eyes, he stare at me. He's trying to get up,
"You need to rest." I'm pushing him back to lay, but he pulled me closer to him, he embrace me, I felt the heat of his body. I don't know how to react, it's the first time he hug me, I just let him. "Please stay with me." He said I felt his heavy breathing. "I'm here." I answered him, we stayed still for seconds, I felt him moving, he release me then slowly get up to sit, I was about stood up but he pulled me again, I felt his grip on my wrist. "Hey I'm getting you water." I said trying to stood up, but he tighten his grip. I'm worried, he's not in his usual self. I looked at him, I saw mixed emotions in his eyes. I tried to move away but he pulled me closer to him, I felt my wrist in pain. One more try to escape, he pulled me tighter that cause us closer, our face is only inch apart, I tried to move away but he pressed his lips onto mine. I'm stucked! He's not the Dylan I used to know, I pushed him with full strength, I stood up.
"What did you just do!" I exclaimed.
I was about to leave but he jumped off from the couch and kneeled in front of me, he placed his arm in my waist. I'm shocked, I tried to removed his arm on my waist but he tighten his embrace.
"Let me go!" I said still pushing him off.
"Zoe please stay with me. I love you ever since we're childhood." He plead. I don't understand, what he's saying. I felt him crying, my heart went sore, why he's crying.
"Please stay with me, I will do everything for you. I can give everything you want. I want you in my life Zoe, please." He continue. I didn't know what to do, my mind is in complex, I can't absorb his words.
"Seeing you with him brought my heart in deep pain, its torturing me. I shouldn't have been coward, I've been keeping this for long. I can't take it anymore, please Zoe. I need you." His words are painful, I felt his pain. He loves me for this long, but he kept it himself. Why am I being so numb all this time. I thought he only see me as a friend, I never know that he loves me. I felt that I'm being betrayed.
"I can be like him, no I can surpass him. Just give me a chance. I can love you more than he can do." I hate myself, I'm being insensitive all this time. I hurt him, I hurt Anthony. Now I realized why he's being clingy when Dylan is around. He's enduring all the dread of me being with him most of the time. I felt like heavy object slagged my heart. I'm being selfish, I should have been this naive.
"Please Zoe, I love you. I want you in my life." He said still crying. He's been my colleague, a friend, and a brother to me. He's a good man, and I admire him for that. Love is painful, but...
"Dylan, I love you... but as a friend... I'm sorry."
I pulled him off, I turned my feet to walked away from him... one step... two steps... three steps... I saw someone standing in the door way... I lift me head... our gaze met... I saw pain in his eyes... I'm sorry Anthony... I ran away...

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