Chapter 21

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Sonic had unlocked the door and walked in with Shadow by his side, and there bags in hand. "I'm home!" Sonic announced.

A female blue hedgehog with a yellow highlight in a purple dress was sitting on the couch. While another male blue hedgehog in a red shirt and blue jeans sat next to her. They both stood up with smiles on their faces.

The female hedgehog went to Sonic and hugged him. "My baby boy is finally home!" She exclaimed kissing his forehead.

"Mom! I'm not a baby anymore!" Sonic replied.

"You'll always be our baby boy Sonic." The older blue hedgehog teased.

"Thanks for the help dad." Sonic said with a deadpan look.

Sonic's mother finally let go of him after awhile. And she looked at Shadow. "You must be Sonic's friend. I'm Bernadette, Sonic's mother." She greeted.

"My name is Shadow, and it's nice to meet you too ma'am." Shadow greeted.

Then the other blue hedgehog came closer to them. "And I am Jules, Sonic's father." He spoke and extended his hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well sir." Shadow said and shook his hand.

"Now that we are all acquainted, I'm gonna show Shadow where his room is." Sonic stated and guided Shadow to his room.

Once Sonic and Shadow were in the room, Sonic closed the door and deeply sighed.

"What's wrong Sonic? Your parents seem like very nice people." Shadow spoke putting his suitcase on the bed.

"They are, But they can also be pretty over bearing. Now that I'm here, I'm just reminded of that. They are caring parents and they were always there for me, but what if they don't except me for who I really am Shadow?" Sonic asked letting his nerves get to him. Sonic stared at his feet and began to panic.

Shadow went closer to the distraught hedgehog and took a hold of his muzzle. He made him look him in the eyes. "Sonic, I know this scary for you and that your nerves at eating away at you. But remember that I am here like you were there for me. No matter what happens, I will remain by your side." Shadow spoke in his gentle and calm voice.

Shadow's words calmed the stressed hero as he placed his hand's over Shadow's. The two hedgehog's hearts both raced as they gazed into each other's eyes. Without knowing it, the two hedgehogs inched closer and closer to each other. Finally, there lips connected for the first time.

Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow's waist as their kiss became deeper.

There faces became flushed with emotion and love. After a minute, the broke the kiss and stared at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Sonic! Can you help your father with grocery shopping!" A loud female voice called.

"Y-Yeah mom! I'll be right there!" Sonic answered back.

He looked at Shadow one more time and took his arms away from his waist. "I-I'm sorry, I have to-"

"It's fine, just go." Shadow blushed looking away.

Sonic nodded and walked out of the room.

Once Sonic was gone, Shadow put his hand to his chest and felt his heart race. 'My heart won't stop racing. Was it because of Sonic's kiss? I just got out of a relationship, how could I be ready for another?' Shadow pondered.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Shadow, would you like to help me in my garden? Sonic told me you enjoy my roses." Sonic's mom's voice asked.

"Y-Yes ma'am, I'd love to!" Shadow answered as he walked to the door. He opened it and it revealed Sonic's mother.

"Great! Let's go, the roses need a little extra water today." Bernadette spoke.

Shadow nodded and followed the female blue hedgehog.

(With Sonic and Jules at the grocery store)

Sonic and father were walking down the isles and searching for the foods they needed for the house.

"How has college been son?" Jules asked.

"Great, grades are good, professors are cool, students are better then the ones in high school, and Shadow's the perfect roommate." Sonic answered.

"Sounds like college has been a great experience for you. What about your love life? We haven't talked about that in awhile. Find any potential girlfriends yet?"

Sonic blushed a little at the question. "Come on dad, we don't have to talk about that."

"Oh! So there is a girl? Tell me about her." Jules teased.

"There isn't a girl dad." Sonic replied embarrassed and feeling awkward.

"There is to, I can tell Sonic." Jules insisted.

'He's not gonna let this go is he?' Sonic thought, mentally sighing.

"Okay, I do got my eye on someone." Sonic admitted.

"Well, don't leave your old man hanging son. Tell me about her. What's she like?" Jules asked.

"She's very kind and supportive. She's beautiful and so smart. But I'm worried that I might have ruined my chances with her." Sonic explained. But he knew that he was talking about Shadow, but he didn't want his dad to know that.

"Why would you think that?" Jules asked.

"I might have kissed her before she was ready for a relationship. And she didn't say anything after we kissed either."

"Did she kiss you back?"

Sonic thought about it his kiss with Shadow. "Yeah, I think so." Sonic pondered.

"Think about this Sonic, if she didn't like you then why did she kiss back? Wouldn't she push you away?" Jules explained.

Sonic thought about his father's advice and nodded. "You're right dad. Maybe it will work out after all." Sonic smiled.

(With Shadow and Bernadette)

Shadow was filling up a watering can for the roses while Bernadette was replacing the mulch around the roses.

Shadow walked over to Bernadette with the full watering can. "This really is a beautiful garden." He commented.

"Aren't you sweet, I wish Sonic have brought you here sooner." Bernadette smiled as she finished the mulch replacement.

Shadow handed her the water can.

"Why don't you water them Shadow, you seem to love the roses just as much as I do." She insisted.

"Really? Thank you ma'am." Shadow started to water the beautiful blood red roses. A happy smile spread across his face.

"Sonic has told us that you two have become quite close." Bernadette said.

"I'm glad to say that we have. He really is the nicest person I have ever met. He's even help me out of a pretty bad situation." Shadow spoke while he finished watering the roses.

"Yes, Sonic has told us about your most recent relationship. I'm very sorry that you had to go through that. I'm sure you'll find someone that will appreciate you." She complimented.

Shadow blushed as he remembered his kiss with Sonic. 'I think I already have.' Shadow thought as he smiled. "Thank you ma'am, I appreciate that a lot."

"Please, call me Bernadette. Ma'am makes me feel older than I already am." Bernadette chuckled.

"Okay, I will Bernadette." Shadow said.

"Good, now that the garden is done we can start preparing for dinner. Would you like to help me?" She asked.

"Sure." Shadow answered.

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