pure or tainted

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Angels only: next will be demons or the animals I can guarantee it will be one of them

Etihw and Kcalb (will also be included in the only demon chapter): Neither, you don't have a typical moral compass so your not pure but your also not fully tainted, your right in the middle. You do have loving parents and they try to show you the correct stuff but you make your own path.

Igis unth: Pretty pure, You have a sense of wrong and right. While the wrong is pretty tempting you somehow always end up on the right track. You are a follower and have small hints of being a leader.

Sullivan: The purest, You are more pure then the rest of the angels your age. You never even consider doing the wrong thing. Which often makes you a target for bullying. You are a followers all the way.

Miss greif: Slightly tainted, You know right and wrong and almost do the wrong thing every time but you do stop yourself. You are raised by a demon, but so is Sullivan's angel and she's perfect. You have the ability to be a decent leader, but when times call for it you will be a follower.

Fumus: Evil child, You are just the worse Angel. You dad is pretty bad God, so it fits. You aren't as big into causing pain, you would much rather have it inflicted upon you. You are very much a very twisted leader, you father is either disgusted or way more proud than he should be.

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