Cuddling - Obsolete Dream

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I know the great witch is from watgbs but she's on here because I forgot about her. Sorry.

Maekami: He's way to busy to cuddle. However, I'd you look at him sadly, he will cuddle with you to make you feel better

Sullivan: Your dad was asleep on the couch and you came to check in on him, you sat next to him and cuddled up to him. You both were asleep and peaceful. Until glasses came in and woke you both up, Sullivan seemed upset that he woke you up.

Met: She loves to cuddle with you and even goes out of her way to cuddle with you if your sad. If someone calls her if you're crying she will stop whatever she's doing and goes to find you with cuddles and your favorite candy.

The great witch: She will not even if you beg her to cuddle with her.

Glasses and Kiku: You all cuddle up together while watching movies every Friday. You end up falling asleep in Glasses lap.

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