The Seven Sins

845 17 4

Demons only
Which of the seven sins is the closest to describe you.
Cuddling isnt done, I just had to take a break from that.

Lobco: Gluttony, being a demon who consumes treats and candy on a regular basis, of course you would be Gluttony.

Maekami: Greed, You like money and even help your father with the bar to make money.

Rosaliya: Sloth, You would much rather lay around than do anything else.

Etihw & Kcalb: Pride, you are proud to be a half breed. (I had no idea what sin to use)

Wodahs: Envy, you're easy jealous and Envy stuff that people have and you don't have

Reficul: Pride, you're just a very prideful person.

Medouco: Lust, you overly sexualize stuff that you do.

Rawberry: Sloth, you would rather lay in bed all day then do anything else.

Glasses and Kiku: Gluttony, you like food and if you could just stay home and eat you would.

Yosafire: Wrath, you get angered easily and you will become violent if you get very mad at someone.

Heller: Wrath, When you get mad, even Heller stays out of your way until you calm the fuck down.

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