7 virtues

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The second angel children special

I had to research this because even though I was in church half of my life, I never learned this, but for some reason they really taught me the seven sins. So if one of the virtues is wrong, blame the internet.

This was suggested by Donut-bunny

Etihw and Kcalb; Charity, you may be a half breed but, you're a very loving person when you want to be, you would give something you want away of it means making someone happy

Igis unth: patience, you will wait forever for someone if you needed to. You've always been very patience and your mom is very happy, because normally if she takes to long she'll get yelled out but if it's you who she keeps waiting you act like you waited a few seconds when it's been three hours.

Sullivan: Kindness, you're typically a very kind person, honest any of the seven would be fine if or you but kindness really stood out.

Miss greif: Humility, you're very polite and modest, even if you like doing the wrong thing the line you would never cross if being rude to someone.

Fumus: Diligence: You're very careful when if comes to stuff you do.

I'm so sorry about how small Fumus was but- his kid is a demonic angel, I'm sorry.

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