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Jades point of view

I wake up worried to go to school. What if Harry tells everyone at school? The look in his eye gave it away. He knew without even asking questions. I grabbed my bag, running out the door. I walk to school early so my dad doesn't have to wake me up.

His version of waking someone up is violent and i rather not go through it again. As i walked along the block i felt a car coming near. I gulp as it comes to a stop next to me.

"Jade hey want a ride" Harry looked at me smiling.

I turned to him and shook my head.

"No no it's fine i like to walk" i smiled back and continued my way.

"Please Jade" He said continuing to follow me. I sighed and gave in.

I got into his car and buckled my seat belt. I look over to see him smiling as he drove off. I sighed seeing he had no seat belt on and i just decided to ignore it as i fiddled my fingers.

"I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about." he says out of the blue.

"No i just - i'm not really the friend type of person. I never really had one" i whispered clearly not good with conversation.

"If you'd let me i would love to be your friend. i promise i don't bite" he said with a cheeky grin as we pulled up to the school.

"Maybe we could be" i whispered and he nodded happily.

"I'm happy to hear that love" he smiled and i nodded.

We got out of the car making our way to the staircase.

"Why did you leave so early for school?" he asked.

I started to panic. I simply shrugged not really ready to have a conversation let alone a conversation about my dad.

"You know i could drive you to school everyday and drive you home. I don't mind i mean you only live across the street it's the least i can do as a friend" he said wholeheartedly.

I don't even know the boy and he already seems to be so gentle. Kind and most of all sweet.

"I dunno i like my walks if helps clear my head"
i said looking at him finally and he was already looking at me. I felt a splash of shyness seek its way to my face as i turned a slight shade of pink.

"We can alternate the days we walk and i drive us" He said happily and i only nodded in response.

"You're in my 10th grade english class, may i ask how?" he said curiously.

"I got bumped up a grade because of my grades" i whispered.

"Ahh so you're smart, well i may be the biggest idiot you'll ever meet" He grinned and i smiled back.

"Well i'm going to go to my locker now thank you for everything though Harry. I appreciate it." i whispered and he smiled.

"I'll see you around love" he smiled and got lost in the sea of people who have shown up.

i walked up the stairs heading into the building. Weirdly, everyone was staring at me. I kept my head low unsure of why. People whispered past me as i made my way to my locker.

"That's her"

"she's the one who he came with"

"She's not even that pretty"

i sighed hearing the small comments. I dropped off my bag and grabbed my AM binder. I closed my locker, being met with an unfamiliar face. I froze unsure as to what to do.

"You're the new girl Jade right?" I nodded and she laughed.

"You're nothing like the girls i've seen before. Are you even a girl? I mean i knew Styles girl game was off but i didn't know he went that low" she scoffed.

I looked her in the eye and smiled, nodded and walked away. I went straight to my english class dreading every part of it.

Harry walked in and spotted me immediately. He got the seat next to me and whispered asking if i were okay. I shrugged ignoring he for the rest of the lesson.

I went to my locker when it was lunch time and i seen my locker cover in post it notes.



get lost

new girl


i sighed looking at all the notes and gathered them taking them off my locker.

"Jade i'm sorry" Harry said to me and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why is that?" i whispered confused as i continued to put them into a plastic bag i happen to have in my actual backpack.

"For what they put on your locker because of me. They're jealous of whatever girl i pay attention too. I feel awful" he sighed sadly.

I shrugged and smiled at him.

"Don't worry love i'm used to things like this." i smiled once more then changed my AM binder for my PM one.

"You shouldn't be used to something like this. It's only your second day here." he said upset and i laughed slightly and just looked at him in the eye.

"Girls were just the same here as they were at my old school. Nothing to worry about it's not your fault i'm not as likable as you are and that's fine. Don't worry" i whispered and sighed knowing everything i said to him was a lie.

I suffered from bad anxiety and a major depression disorder. Anorexia was one of the other things i happened to pick up from my other school. It's also the reason i don't go to lunch.

I have to be perfect and happy. Just like the models who do the same. They suffer just to be printed on paper.

"Will you come to lunch with me today, i would love to introduce you to all my friends. They're dying to meet you."  he said and i sighed.

"No i'm okay maybe another time" i whispered and he nodded.

Then we parted ways .

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