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Jades pov

On my plane ride home, the thought of seeing Harry scared me. When he tried to kiss me, I didn't know how to react. I was scared he was just going to kiss me because it was in the moment not because he actually has feelings towards me. I told Louis that I was mad at Harry which again I haven't a clue why I did that. It was such a confusing morning. I was finally starting to move on and there he was pulling me back in, sucking me back into the hole I always find trouble getting myself out of. I knew that for the next 9 and half hour plane ride, he'd be the only thing on my mind.

When I landed, I was hoping Stefan would be waiting for me so I wouldn't have to deal with-

And there he was, waiting for me.

His curls were all over the place and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Probably having sex with Kendall for the past week. Anyone else? Anyone else but him! Why did he have to pick me up? I didn't ask for this, God. He had a crooked smile on his face, I hope he feels as awkward as I do.

"Hey," he breathed.

I gave him a small smile and we made our way to baggage claim quietly. The awkwardness was overwhelming and uncomfortable and it traveled with us into the car ride home. Harry finally broke the silence by coughing.

"So uh how was your trip? Did they like the book?" He asked, his voice a little shaky which almost never happens to him.

"Good, they liked it." I said, looking at him and then back out my window and watched the buildings fly past me. He shifted in his seat, making me turn to look at him. His hands squeezed the steering wheel. "Justin, the head, told me his favorite chapter was Blood Bank."

"Yeah?" He asked. Something seemed off. I mean, I know it was awkward but Harry just seemed weird. He was shifting in his seat and getting all tense. "That's awesome."

"Are you okay?" I asked, confused at his actions.

"Uh yeah, why?"

"You just seem really tense," I observed.

"Well I am, Jade." This caught my attention. "You left mad at me for trying to kiss you and you didn't even let me explain myself."

"Well then go ahead, explain yourself."

"Well I-I you're catching me off guard," he sighed.

"You had a week to know what you wanted to say and now you can't say anything because I'm catching you off guard-"

"Jade, I think I'm forming feelings for you." I was taken aback by his honesty and just basically shocked at what he just said.

"Stop the car, I need to get out."

"What?" He questioned.

"Stop the car!" I demanded and he followed orders and stopped the car. I opened the door and ran out, running over the sidewalk and leaning over myself. I couldn't breathe for some reason. You'd think that the moment the love of your life told you that they were growing feelings for you, you'd be overjoyed. So how come when it happens to me, I suddenly lose all possible ways to breathe?

Soon enough, Harry was standing next to me with his hand on my back. "Jay, are you okay?"

"I-I can't believe you!" I yelled.

"Wha- what did I do?" I found the power to stand up straight and I started to hit him.

"You're such an ass!" I yelled. "I've loved you for 3 years now and the fucking time I get a boyfriend and start a relationship, you come in and tell me that you have feelings for me?" I kept throwing punches at him.

"You loved me for 3 years?" He asked, allowing me to hit him.

"Oh, like you didn't know. How could you not?"

"How could I?!"

"Everyone knew it! I guess you were so wrapped up in Kendall to realize. I mean I understand, she's beautiful-"

before I could even finish my sentence, Harry's lips crashed onto mine. At first I was in such shock that I didn't even kiss back. But once reality struck and Harry's arms wrapped completely around my waist I kissed back. The butterflies in my stomach released and it was like a whole new incredible, crazy feeling being unleashed inside of me. Finally, pulling away we both just looked at each other. "I um..I..."

"Don't ruin it, Jade." Harry laughed.

Back in the car, the awkwardness started again but in a good kind of way. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a smile on Harry's face and I bit my lip trying my best not to smile. We'd look at each other often and then quickly look away, the usual cute stuff that happens after the first kiss.

I dropped my bag down on the floor and Harry walked further into the house but turned back around to face me. "So..." He trailed off.

"So..." I repeated.

"You wanna do anything?" He asked, walking closer to me.

"I dunno," I shrugged.

"Wanna go see a movie?" He was getting closer.

"I don't think so, I'm really tired."

"That's what I thought," he said. He was only inches away from me.

"Stop procrastinating and just kiss me," I stated. Again he did as he was told. His arms wrapped firmly around my body and his lips were pressed to mine. The kiss was messy and fast because I was trying to put in 3 years' worth of wanting to kiss him. He pushed me up against the wall and his hands finding their way up my shirt and I slowly pushed him away.
"Harry..." My hand was on his chest holding him away. "I-" I was embarrassed because going that far with someone always made me nervous and Harry knew as he had pointed it out on time.

"Too far?" He asked, backing up and my hand dropped to my side.

"You know how I am," I trailed off.

"I do," he said, giving me a quick peck.

"But I don't want to stop kissing you..." I admitted.

"Then we can just kiss," he smirked.

I was sitting in the shower under the warm water, thinking about Harry. I'm still in shock that it even happened, I'm scared to wake up and realize it was all a dream. When I got out and put on some sweats and a t-shirt, I couldn't wait to go back to kissing him. I got a little too excited and tripped down the stairs but got back up, feeling like an idiot with a smile on my face. My stomach was doing flips and when I walked downstairs and saw Kendall kissing Harry I knew reality had struck. It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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