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Jades Point of view

I shift a bit to realize i'm wrapped in harry's arms. A small smile placed its way on my lips as i turned my head to see him sleeping peacefully. His hair was a mess but this is when i loved it the most.

i stared at him admiring his small features and then focused on his chest as he would breathe. The way it fell and rise up again slowly. I smiled to myself as i poked his cheek.

His beautiful eyes started to flutter open and he smiled at me with the dimple popping out.

"May i help you" he said

"Yes you may i'm bored and i missed you" He looked at me a laughed slightly.

"You miss me? you've been with me for the past like three days Jay" i blushed slightly and shrugged

"So just because i'm with you doesn't mean i don't miss you. I wanted to hear your voice and like i said i got bored and if i tried to get up to go do something to keep my occupied you would've woken up anyway"

"you got me there but i don't want to leave bed, not yet" he sighed plopping his head down back on to the pillow and i laughed.

I sat up and attempted to get off the bed, only to fail miserably because he pulled me back.

"i don't think so not yet" i pouted and he sighed.

"Fine fine lets go make breakfast"

I smiled and we were off. I was in his t shirt which looked liked a dress on me but i didn't mind, Harry well he was shirtless and in joggers.

Once we made it to the kitchen we started to make pancakes. By we i mean harry because i can't cook for shit. I played the music. "Kids in America" started to play and i smiled knowing what was coming next.

Harry turned to me as he started to sing and dance. We both got no talent in dancing whatsoever but it was the fact we were just living in the moment. I smiled jumping around with him, until we were rudely interrupted by a burning pancake.

I laughed as harry blamed me for the mishap but i didn't mind it because it'll be a memory i keep forever. My favorite part about playing music around harry is he sings along. Even if it's quietly i love to listen to the sound of his voice and i'm starting to think he does as well.

After we ate, Harry got ready because he and the boys were heading to go practice. I sat on Harry's bed and let my wonder.

Harry is my best friend and i don't know if loving him more than a friend is worth the risk. I pushed the thought aside when Harry walked in with a smile on his face. He gently brushed his hand against my cheek and instantly my worries washed away.

"i'll be back in about and hour, but if you need me or get lonely we will be at Louis' house love." he said softly and i just nodded.

He smiled once more and placed a kiss on my forehead. With that he gathered himself and left.

I sat in his room and couldn't wrap my head around the thought of him. Everything about him is so mind captivating. The way his hands look so rough but have such a gentle touch. His bright eyes come off as a sense of comfort for everyone around him.

There is never a moment Harry isn't just beautiful.  He is pure. His voice never to harsh and his words full of meaning. His scent is consuming once his arms wrap around you and hold you to his beating heart.

With Harry, i'm at peace.

i'm home.

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