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Jades point of view

three months later

I sat in his window looking at the sky. The stars bright and the wind quiet.

"well we made it, the boys and i did it" he walked in. I felt him near me but i didn't take my eyes off of the sky.

"i told you that you guys would make it" i whispered and i sighed getting up. I wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me as well. Pulling me into his chest.

"promise me this one thing Harry" i whispered to him.

"What is it angel?" he said cupping  my face looking me in the eye.

"promise you won't ever leave" i asked as tears started to form.

"Hey hey, i promise i'm not going anywhere, this would have never happened if i didn't have you by my side. you're my purpose and reasoning i continued with my dream and for that i'm forever grateful and personally i'd rather die than live without my best friend"

i nodded at him

"Also i would like you to meet someone" i nodded to him. He let me go and opened the door to a beautiful girl.

"This is kendall" he said and i nodded and smiled slightly at the beautiful girl.

"Hi i'm jade" i whispered and waved. She gave me a fake grin and waved back and i sighed not knowing what was gonna happen next.

1 year later

Her eyes...they have a certain undefinable sparkle to them. Alluring and sensual, with a touch of mischief. Large, long lashes and pretty brown eyes.

That wasn't the only thing that was fascinating about her. She had this face that just held your stare, the way her lips stayed in a smirk and her brown hair was all over the place. Anyone would wonder what was going on in that mess of a master piece.

Once you saw out her smile she'd be sweeping you up within seconds. She was so out of the ordinary. And after describing that, it'd be a surprise that I hated her. Kendall Jenner had it all, but the only thing she had that I wanted was Harry Styles.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and tried to picture a better me and for a little, I looked beautiful. But then I'd bring myself back to reality and look at the real reflection.

The dull eyes, staring back at me. Lack of sleep managed to keep the bags under my eyes and the life out of my skin. My teeth chewed away at my bottom lip, leaving another imperfection. Brown strands of hair fell into my face; I didn't even bother to move them away.

A long sigh uncontrollably left my body when someone entered the room, catching me off guard. I was only wearing a long sleeve shirt and underwear. As I turned around, my arm knocked over all my makeup and hair products onto the floor. "Crap," I mumbled under my breath and then bent down to pick up the mess that was now on the floor.

Harry knelt down next to me and helped pick the things off the ground with me. After we stood back up and already placed everything back on my dresser, Harry looked at me. "Jay, you look like you haven't slept in days," as he spoke, he ran his thumb across my cold cheek.

"Feels that way too," I breathed.

"Why don't you go back to bed?" Harry asked while searching the room for something. "You can sleep in my bed; I know how hard your mattress is." He seemed distracted and kept rummaging through my things.

"Looking for something specific?" I asked trying to be any sort of help as he was looking through my things.

"Just that sweater I lent you like last year. I completely forgot you had it and last night...it was weird, I had this like dream about it. Anyway, I wanted to wear it today. Do you remember seeing it at all?"

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