Found You - [Wendy]

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"What do you want?" Jennie sighs. "Actually, no. Just get out."

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Where's who?" Jennie asks.

"You know who I'm talking about," I say, my voice harsh. "What did you do to her?"

"Oh, Irene?" Jennie chuckles. "I didn't do anything to her. She left voluntarily."

"I read the messages," I say, holding up my phone. "You forced her to leave."

"No, I gave her a choice," Jennie says, stretching. "I didn't force her to leave at all. She could have decided to stay, but then I would've posted the picture."

"That's the point," I say. "You blackmailed her."

"She still left by choice," she says. "I didn't force her to leave. Now that we've cleared that up, get out."

"Why are you doing this?" I ask. "What did she do to you?"

"Actually, she didn't do anything," Jennie explains. "It was you."

"Then why would you make her leave?" I ask.

"To make you suffer," she says. "She didn't do anything other than piss me off for going to the library with Kai, but I've been cheating on him since forever so I can't really attack her about that. You, on the other hand, were getting all the attention. All the boys were in love with you. They all thought we were friends, so they kept coming up to me and asking me what you were in to. But then when you talked back to me when I first confronted Irene, I had had enough. Originally, I was just going to end up somehow getting you suspended, because your parents would kill you. But then, when Eric sent me that photo, I figured it would be more fun to get rid of someone you care for."

I stare at her. She was after me this entire time? Everything makes sense. Jennie and I are practically opposites in personality. I'm nicer, so people feel more welcomed around me, therefore I have more real friends. On the other hand, more people are scared of Jennie because she's a lot meaner, and most of her friends are forced. I'm not even sure that Jisoo, Roseanne, and Lisa want to be friends with her. 

So she decided to target me so all the attention would be on her. And once she found out that I cared too much about Irene, she used that against me. She sits on her bed, smirking at me. "What else do you want?"

"Where is she?" I ask again.

Jennie shrugs. "I do know where she is, but why would I tell you?"

"I still have that picture from before," I say, pulling up the picture of Jennie and Suho.

She laughs. "I don't care if you send that or not. I'm already dating Eric. You know, I think we're made for each other. You would probably describe us as both monsters."

"Eric and I used to be friends," I say. "I can get it out of him."

"You won't be able to," Jennie says. "He sent me an entire paragraph about how much he hates you. You're not going to figure out where Irene is, okay? So why don't you stop trying? She's gone, and if she cares about you then she's not going to come back."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me where she is," I say.

"Daddy!" Jennie yells. "Get this girl out of here, she's bothering me!"

I hear heavy footsteps run up the stairs. "No- Wait-"

Someone in a black suit picks me up and carries me downstairs. "Goodbye, miss."

"No, wait!" I say as the door shuts in my face. I sigh. It was worth a try, but I can't give up. I need to find out where Irene is.

I try to contact Eric to try and get it out of him but he doesn't answer me. I try asking everyone I know she's close with, but nobody knows where she is. I begin walking home feeling all heavy, and just as I'm about to give up, my phone rings. It's Joy. "Wendy?"

"Hi," I say. "What do you want?"

"You know the dollar store next to the lakeshore a bit after downtown?" she asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Go there right now," she says. "I'm waiting for you."

"What?" I ask. "No, why do you want me to meet you at a dollar store?"

"Just come," she says. "Trust me. And don't be long, okay? The walking time to get here is around half an hour, so I'll know if you're taking too long on purpose. Now get over here!"

She hangs up. What was that about? I guess I'll go anyway, there's nothing better I can do. Maybe she wants to help cheer me up? I don't know. I figure it would be better to take a bus. Since I'm still a student, I can ride them for free.

The bus drops me off about ten minutes away from the place Joy wants me to meet her at. There aren't many people around these areas. Or if there are, most of them just decided to stay home today. As I walk along the street, I can't stop myself from thinking about Irene's letter. She told me she loved me.

Back in the hospital, when she first told me she loved me, I said something she probably couldn't hear because she fell asleep.

"I love you," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you," she repeated. "I love you."

As her eyes began to close, I said in the quietest voice, "I love you, too."

I don't think she heard me. Part of me is relieved she didn't hear me, but now I wanted her to hear it more than ever. She probably thinks I don't even care. I see Joy standing next to the dollar store, talking to someone.

I stare. Is that Taehyung? What are they doing here? And together? Taehyung points at me. Joy turns around and smiles, waving frantically. "WENDY!"

"Why did you want me to come here?" I ask her once I reach them. 

"Okay, you can't freak out okay?" Joy says. "If anyone asks, I went on a walk with you to help cheer you up."

"What?" I ask.

"Did Jennie do anything to your phone?" Taehyung asks.

"I don't think so..." I say, checking it. "It's functioning normally."

"No, I mean- nevermind, she wouldn't go that far," he says.

"Come out," Joy says, peeking around the corner of the dollar store. "She's here."

"Who are you talking to?" I ask.

Irene comes out. She smiles at me awkwardly. I stare at her. I look at Joy. "How did you find her?"

"She called me," Joy says. "She just couldn't call you."

I run up to Irene, pulling her into a hug. "Oh my God, Irene, why did you do that? You should have just stayed! We could have done something, you didn't have to-"

She kisses me softly. I missed the feeling of her lips on mine even though she was only gone for a morning. She pulls away and then realizes that she kissed me in front of Taehyung and Joy. She lets go of me and backs away, looking at the ground. I clear my throat.

"I thought you two said you were just friends?" Joy asks, smirking.

"Shut up," I say.

"Anyway, we have a plan to get Irene back," Taehyung says. "Are you interested?"

I face him. "Obviously, yes."

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