Mafia Land

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Izuku's house
We see Izuku, eri, and Bakugo who's visiting and reborn watching t.v suddenly Inko cane into the living room while yelling.

Inko: Izuku, eri ive won a raffle to go on a private island and Izuku you can invite five friends if you want to.

They all starts cheering Izuku then goes to his room to pack and called some of his friends.

Ships Dock's
We see Izuku, eri, and reborn waiting for Izuku's ship Izuku then said.

Izuku: You guys can go inside without me I can't wait here.

The three left leaving Izuku after ten minutes Izuku was shocked to see his whole class, mirio and one other person he said.

Izuku: What are you all doing here I only invited 5 people.

Kaminari: Well we thought that we could invite other friends it said so in your text "shows his phone".

Izuku: I didn't text that.

Izuku thinks for a few seconds he comes up with a person.

Izuku whispers: Reborn.

Izuku: Well you all can't come in.

Reborn: Why not also who is the kid with the purple hair.

Kid: Hey midoryia nice shoes.

Reborn then pooped up in Izuku's bag scaring everybody but the purple haired kid Izuku after he got over his shock said.

Izuku: That's Hitoshi Shinso I met him in the hallway one time.

Izuku was walking down the hallway with some papers not being able to see where he is going bumps into a kid.

Kid: Oh sorry let me get those.

Izuku: No it's okay it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going what class are you in.

Kid: I'm in general studies you.

Izuku: Class 1-a.

Kid thoughts: (maybe kids from the hero course aren't jerks)

Kid: Name's Hitoshi Shinso.

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoryia.

Flashback End
Kaminari: Why do you think we're jerks Bakugo sometimes but still.

Shinso: I just thought after the USJ you guys would turn into self-absorb jerks.

Reborn: (another cloud guardian) well it doesn't matter everyone head inside.

They all start to head inside even Iida Izuku then asked.

Izuku: What about the guards.

Reborn: I knocked them out.

Izuku: WAIT WHAT WHY!!!!

Reborn: Well you better go find them because it seems that the guards are waking up now.

The guards got up and started walking around Izuku then started running trying to find his friends he saw kaminari and jirou walking on the deck he then told them the situation and they went to the room he then found Iida, toru, Mina, and aoyama eating he told them to go back to the room Iida chastised him before going to the room he then found tokoyami, Shinso, mirio, and kirishima walking around he told them and they went to the room (I'm skipping everyone else because this is just becoming tedious).

Izuku Midoryia Vongola UndecimoWhere stories live. Discover now