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Hi guys,
Ummmm, I'm New on Watt pad, but definitely not new to writing .
Its actually my first book here .
I just wanna say "I Am happy to be here, but will be happier to work or walk with  you" .
I would appreciate every idea,opinion and views .I do consider you all as paramount for the success of this book ..
My hands are stretched out ..Give me your support  ..

To the book "LOST"

Loretta reached out for the envelope that laid before her,it contained the document to her late great grand father,St Augustus's Farm house. St Augustus was the most religious individual she had known all her life. He was formerly called uncle Sam,but  according to Davina,her fourth cousin who lived in the Northern part of the world's map,as she would put it. Uncle Sam became named after the world known St Augustus  long before Loretta's arrival to the earth far back into the 1920.History had it that he was the the main cause for the state of the the local parish particularly and for the availability of Christianity as a whole in the typical village where he held from. So he died as a popular man in his hometown and a Saint at that.
  Grand pa, apart from being a super religious individual,was also known in most part of the country for his hard work. He invested in many sectors of the world's business course and made huge profit. Loretta didn't get to meet her Grand pa, she only lived to hear his history.
   Loretta,a young woman at her earliest twenties. sat on the only couch in her one bed room flat appointment,staring at the envelope on the black jean short that covered her thighs. Her eyes moved from one corner of the house to the other, she wasn't satisfied with her financial standard. She felt anyone could by mare looking at her, detect the level of her poverty.  The room was scanty,she had sold virtually every tangible that makes a room a room. She didn't know what a typical room looked like, she hasn't lived in one all her life .
  she had grown in the same one room apartment with her parent. She learnt her dad,who was disowned by his father had inherited only that from his father . Things probably,would have been better if only her father had learnt to follow his father's ways; but he chose living a reckless as a better option ..Despite being the only child of his father, Douglas did not dim it necessary to live a life that was worthy of emulation. In his young age,rather than being hard working he was priding himself with his father's wealth, As a Christian that he was,Grandpa Sam tried his very best to make him responsible but his little boy chose irresponsibility as a preferable option and that cost him his relationship with his father with the little apartment as his only inheritance . Douglas did not live as a good father either, he was known for his dubious life style, someone who gambled every and any thing he laid his hand on. Loretta felt bittered,She remembered how hard she had to work as a maid for six months of her life to save their apartment which her dad had placed on bait and lost the bait ..Despite being such a mean father and citizen he never showed any sign of remorse or wore a face of shame ..He spoke like it was his right to  trample on others right..Several times he had been saved from imprisonment by her mom who would cry out her voice, rolling and pleading for mercy.
One thing she was glad of,was the fact that he was gone, though his death still remained fresh in her memory. No one ever knew that, aside his gambling sickness and addiction ..he got into drug trafficking Loretta couldn't fathom why he was so desperate at making money, as he neither fed or cater for the family. Nemesis finally got up with him and he died as a result of the drugs that was buried in him ..It was a shameful thing. Her family story was eye catching enough to make the headline of a news paper. She cried at his death  though not being sure of why .
It was more difficult on her mother who later discovered she was pregnant three weeks later. it was not a good news at that point ..they were struggling to feed once a day and she was going to add to their number,Loretta was not okay with the baby coming to the family. She had bluntly told her mom to abort the pregnancy. It was better than  bringing him  into this hopeless family 
  Cynthia had disagreed with her daughter,she believed that somewhere,there was hope lying in wait for her family.
Loretta had sworn to personally strangle the young child when he is finally delivered if she doesn't kill him. she knew how much her words had hurt her mom but she was ignored that reality  it, besides all she was doing was for the benefit of the child whom she was sure will die of hunger and inappropriate health care if brought to the family .

   She picked the envelope,rub her palm against the back getting rid of the dust that gathered there, she heaved a sigh and slowly slide two fingers into it holding a piece of paper out ..It was well folded into four bends her heart beat fast as she unfolded it hoping its what she expects ..It had taken her a lot of effort,physically and intellectually to finally locate the envelope. It was her only hope to getting enough cash that would make her look presentable for the interview. She was obviously sick and tired of living from hand to mouth, it was high time she took an action that will change her life for the better .
What had made her so sure about not wanting to continue the way she was her last encounter with Esther.
Esther had attended the same secondary as her. She was a better student compared to Esther. Apart from her large grey eyes which made her popular and her glowing bright skin which shone brighter after she plastered it with the local Shea butter her mom recommended, she was also known for her outstanding performance in athletic and had always had Esther to envy her success . Esther did not get to graduate with her as it supposed, She was married off at a tender age and no one had heard of or seen her since then..Loretta only bumped into her, few days back in a shopping mall, she already had four kids and seemed to be pregnant with another. Though they never got along back then in school,but Loretta felt pity for her .it was obvious that marriage didn't place her well. Maybe things would have appeared better if the family wasn't depending on one source of income ..Esther's future would have been brighter if her greedy father didn't give her in exchange for a plot of land ..The men are always to be blamed ..
  Loretta picked the news paper she had torn from a bunch and glanced through the information she believed was going to change her life .."A surrogate mother needed,fees to be chosen by applicant.".

What do you think about this part ..those it interest you ?..or yah just on the watch out for the next one

Remember not to forget to
VoTe 👍🏻  and ...cOmmENt

Love yah'all

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