Chapter two

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Still keeping it upcoming 😁
Its the principle of optimism

Mr Luke did not require her to make any legal arrangement before they could seal their deal. It was more of a matter of  trust. She could hear the beating of her heart to every passing sec as she waited for the money ..she was anxious,it was going to be her first time handling real cash. All her life she had only held Two thousand naira as the highest nomination. She had known such a time will come when she will be opportune to hold unto more but she never knew it would come soon .
"Here,its ah hundred and five" Mr Luke stretched forth the money to her,..
"I am keeping yah farm houze"he said, pronouncing the house in a rather awkward manner..
  She had heard her mom called him professor once,she use to think he was one but then she understood it was a nick name to describe the way he spoke ..she smiled and stretched her hand to receive it but he redrew
"I've always wanted to help yah morther then,buft ,ah did not want people saying or feeling that i had a thing for her...."  he yawned 
"But now i am doing this to cover up,i will take this farm land ...." he flipped the envelope
"...if you don't return with my money after six month..."
"...Six month ?!" she interrupted
Loretta was alarmed,six month was never going to be enough,even if she was going to receive any payment it wont be  after she delivers a baby safely to a couple..And that would take a period of nine month from her day one of pregnancy
"Uncle, can you make it a year and six month ?"
"I can ,i knew you wont make so much in six month but it was a way to make you choose the time frame,so i know you have given your full word" he smiled.
"What do you intend doing?" he asked
Loretta frowned,she wouldn't tell him she was getting so much to prepare for a job she wasn't sure of ..
"A business..."she shrugged "anything legal".   
"Go,go and prove to the everyone  that something good can come out of Nazareth" he winked
  That was the same thing her mom had told her few minute before departing ..
"Your father's life style has created doubt in people's mind ,as a result you will get little or no help. Depend on no one but strife with godliness and prove to them that something good can come from Nazareth" those were the exact words of her best friend before she gave up ..
Tears rolled down her chin as she walked back home, God really did not have to make her go through so much.
  She met the door to her apartment opened,it was usually that way each  time there was a heavy down pour. The lock was faulty and the door has had half of its strength being fed upon by hungry termite.
There was no need waiting for too long, the news paper didn't give a date, that  indicated she would be allowed in,so long as her arrival wouldn't be considered late.
It took her about an hour to successfully pack everything she thought she would be needing.
Something about what she was doing did not seem perfect,her heart felt heavier,despite practicing the breathe in breath out exercise she still felt bad ..
She was abandoning her home,being  fully aware of her mom's spirit which was often present  in the room.
She sat on the floor,rested her against  the wall,looked around like it was her first time in the room.
She was reconsidering her decision.

"was leaving her mom's spirit in the apartment all alone a better option over  going out to change her family's history?..she wondered

As if been touched by someone,she suddenly stood up ,picked her bag and walked to the door then turned again
"Mom. I am leaving ,i have to do this for you,its okay if you think i have failed my  promise to always be around you, but u did not keep to your word either "she paused and wiped her running nose with the back of her palm
"The day you left to the hospital ,you promised you will come back but you never came,i waited patiently,you know i cried wen i saw you were gone"..
"You can come along if you dim necessary but i am not coming back here"
She shut the door behind and walked out ..strongly believing she was walking to a greener pasture ..

   There was a huge difference,she could feel it even from the evening  breeze that blew into her dress. It was in the early evening. Things were different in the big city. Where she came from people usually hurried to their respective home once they sensed the coming of darkness but in the big city it was the opposite. Bright street light colourized the roads and shone on people's faces and clothes making them look like they've got Gold as a body complexion .
She raised her brows and fixed her gazed on the description above the entrance of the hotel..It was the closet hotel to her destination, lodging in it  would be perfect she smiled ..
"Here let me lend a helping hand... "a female masculine voice said as she bent to pick her bag
" i am Cynthia"_the lady smiled .
Loretta tried to get a better picture of her but she reflected gold as well
"Loretta, thanks" she replied following her lead ..
She was happy, the first person she met had her mom's name, it is was  probably a sign that her mom followed her all the way .
"Miss Loretta welcome to The Dazzling suite"..
Loretta nodded,she remembered reading the name at the entrance
"Our utmost concern is your welfare,please do well to use your telephone...."she pointed to the telephone
"In case you need anything ,once again you're welcome" Cynthia  bowed and left ..
"Exss...."Loretta snapped but she was out of night .
"I didn't even get to tell her she has my mom's name " she muttered .
She picked the telephone up ..she had seen Mr Luke used it once,she bit her lip wishing she asked how it worked. 

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