Twenty four

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   Loretta sat on the couch, her legs crossing each other, with her hands placed on each side of her and her shoulders high, anticipating the coming of Diego. She had waited close to thirty minute and yet he still didn't show up. 

   It been two days since she moved from her private dark highly secured room to Diego's apartment. It was a large one and she loved the fact that she wakes up on a king sized bed with the smell of coffee.

  Diego on the other hand has been a nice host. Nicer than she could ever have presumed. Cynthia was probably right about him being harmless.

  He had been a gentle man all the way. Apologising frequently, most times without a tangible reason. He wakes up early each morning to prepare her breakfast, which he sometimes offers her in bed.

    Finally, Diego matched out, His hair shone bright as usual,and he looked just perfect in his stainless expensive black suit and well polished shoe.

" How do i look?" He smiled.

"Normal!" Loretta frowned acting angry.

  " Alright, that's a pass mark in the school of trying to impress you" he picked his car key followed her.

   Mr kings had called the previous day to give information about the sudden reappearance of Louis. He said she was  back to work at the bar after months of leaving with no excuse.

  Loretta was a little tensed. She was going to meet her first love. Some one she now hates and want to skin alive at sight.

According to Diego, there was no need being violet. Considering the fact that once the law naps her,  Loretta would be totally vindicated. 

   They arrived their destination thirty minute later. It was in the early evening . The club was not as busy as Loretta had remembered. It probably just got started.

  Mr smith was sighted on his usual sit in the VIP area. His attention fixed on his Ipad with a face that showed that " he ain't got time for no shit" .
That's the look  he always had. It was his own way of avoiding been taken for granted by  broke customers.

  " Welcome Miss Loretta and the man that is always on suit" he replace his theoretical look with a welcoming smile, gesturing them to sit just opposite him.

  " You are welcome to my heavens, though, yah so terrible at keeping to time!"

  Loretta turned and gave Diego a "told yah" look, before proceeding to balance her butt on the couch.

" No time for pleasantries. Hop to business" He warned.

" You said you have information on Louis's whereabout sir"  Loretta said.

  " Nah,Nah,Miss!" he shook his head and finger sporadically.

  " I ain't got news on where the fuck she fucking is."

  " I said she is back to work. And that means you can find her around. But mind you, nobody makes herself available to be caught by the police"

  Loretta sighed. She understood what he meant . Louis was indeed around but would be difficult to find.

Loretta and Diego had to go in search of  Louis. Loretta  knew her way in and around the club than Diego did. Hence she had to lead the search team.

First she headed for the bar, workers at the bar confirmed she had been around but suddenly disappeared about twenty minute back. Considering the moment the walked into the club, Loretta could tell the obvious.

Next,she headed for the ladies. Diego waited outside while she  proceeded to go find Louis. She had thought of the ladies, Louis could have chosen it since it was too awkward to be taken as an hide out.  After moment of tireless search she came out disappointed.

" Told yah she wouldn't be there" Diego shrugged.

Loretta Smiled " Prophet Diego" She teased.

  They headed to the last option on her list. R024. The room assigned for the female workers, where she had first met with Louis.

"You wait here while i go in" Loretta said as she held the door knob.

"why?!" Came Diego's surprise look.

"Its a red sign for guys" Loretta replied as she stepped in leaving him behind.

  Thanks goodness She could still recall the position of the light switch. she pushed it upward getting rid of the darkness that filled the room.

No one was there. No one but her. She sat on the bed, that same bed where she had first experienced what sex felt like. Louis!! She only wished she knew how terrible Louis was.

She peeped under the bed. Louis could probably be hiding under the woods. But she didn't. She headed for the bathroom. She opened the door and peeped in, there was no sight of a soul.

  She got fed up. The whole day would be a total waste if Louis slips through their finger. A few steps away from the bathroom, very close to the wooden wardrobe. Loretta heard the door of the wardrobe open slowly. She froze and couldn't dare to turn. An hand covered her mouth from behind.

Loretta gasped. Her life was endangered. She remembered Diego but couldn't call out for help.

"I'mma let go of your lip, right after you promise to remain calm"

Loretta nodded briskly. Anything to ease her off the pains she was feeling.

Slowly Louis let go of her and plopped into the bed.

  "Murderer!" Loretta yelled.

"Shhhhh!,keep your voice low" Louis gestured

  Loretta laughed.
"you are suddenly scared of being heard after being heartless enough to Murder yah fellow human"

"I didn't do it. I swear by my father!" Louis sobbed.

Loretta did not believe. It was a crocodile tears. She herself could swear on her father, besides she had no respect for him.

  Louis held her hand.
" I swear on the love i have for you, I didn't Murder Doctor Sam. Please save me"

  Loretta pitied her. She had never seen Louis in tears. She almost did think she doesn't shade tears. She felt so stupid and ashamed to have believed Louis could hurt a fly.

  She held her chin up and wiped her tears.
" I believe you" she whispered.

Diego pushed open the door. He heard the voices from the room and needed to feed his curiosity.

"Wow!!" he clapped.

"I need to  inform the rest!" he said picking his phone from his breast pocket.

   " No!" Loretta called out.

" What if we are apprehending the wrong person" she asked trying to give a reason to do other wise.

Diego was stunned.
" Make me get your point"

." All I am saying is, we listen to her part of the story before further actions"

"Right Ma'am"

" She will explain further at the police's custody"

" No!,"

" I mean please. She can explain in our custody".

   "Are you sure about this?" he asked confuse.

Loretta nodded. She had never been so sure all her life.

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