Chapter thirteen

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Loretta rolled from one end of the bed to the other,there was just too many things that snatched her comfort from her. She recalled drinking to stupor the previous night.
She used her hands to support her crying stomach as she folded herself in.
"It was hurting but worth it anyways" she thought

The previous night was one that will never escape Her storage unit. After her working hour at the bar, Louis took Her out to catch fun.
She was anticipating the usual romantic fun they often had. She had already gotten so use to her. While at the bar, she blushed at every wink Louis sent her way.
" The girl was awesome" she reasoned .
The thought of Louis alone made other Females less important and it seemed like the opposite gender had gone on extinction.
She wanted a world for just her and her beloveth. She practically ignored every compliment of her unfading beauty from "cocks" and would rather it was from her "hen" .
The fun Louis had promised her was a bit surprising. Instead of ending up in a room with just two of them , where she could strip her self and be vulnerable in the hands of Louis. They ended up in another Club.

" A club?!" Loretta had inquired with so much curiosity and an obvious trace of disappointment in her vocal.

" yea!, a club" Louis responded as she held her hand inside .

"But why?" Loretta pressed on .

Louis stopped and smile at her. She held her by the shoulder and brought her closer.
" No need to be tensed lovely, I just need you to meet my important friends "

" No!, you should have asked me first. It wont be awesome meeting your friends"

" why not!, I love you and i need my friends to know its you" She smiled

She didn't want to make argument. She suddenly felt safe in her hands and gave a shrug and followed her in .

It was not a club, At least not the type she walked at. Sexual activity was in the open and at every corner.

"You will wait here for me, while i go get something. I might take a while but you must remain here" Louis said as they walked into a room

"No way!' Loretta protested

" you wont bring me to a place i no nothing about and make some excuses to leave me "

" I will come back. I love you too well to leave you in danger. You safe here "

"You should love me too well to leave me behind" Loretta snapped .

Louis sighed. " I will be back love" She planted a kiss on her chin and hurried .

Loretta plopped into the bed, there was a stink of fear in her. Her eye balls rolled from one end of the room to the other. She had considered going out but decided to wait .

She felt a little comfortable and relaxed as she placed her back on the bed and lay faced up with her hands behind her head serving as pillows .
some minute later she fell asleep counting the ceiling .

It was a knock on the door that helped her gained consciousness as she jumped off the bed to answer .
She gave a disappointing sigh as she opened and peeped out the door.
It wasn't Louis as her expectance was Neither was the knock on her door.
Her wrist watch said it was past half an hour, and yet Louis was no where to be found. she decided to go look for her .
Loretta felt irritated, the environment was smoky. Okay she should probably be used to the smokes from cigarette and the rest, but want she saw looked a little too much. She sighted a lady that was struggling with some kinda taut.
It was obvious she didn't want to be sexed but it appeared the drunk fella wasn't taking no for an answer.
"Bastards" she caused.
Men are just one specie she wish she could wipe off the earth.

"Sup!" A guy smoked into her face Her face turned red as she chased the smokes with her hands. The guy had a tattoo that ran from his neck via is left arm down to the hand. He had a silver teeth to replace his three front teeth, he wore a crazy jean that exposed his brown kneel amidst his fair skinned body. Her braided his so that he could pack it all the way back. Loretta gave him a look that ran from the crown of his head to the toe and stuck her tongue out then walked away. That was the least thing she could think of.

Loretta held her breath for a sec. She needed to calm herself down that was gonna be fine. She had searched all around but there was no sight of Louis.
She shook her head in total disagreement of the thought that Louis ditched her. She would screamed out her name but the person standing next to her might not even hear her. Yes!. The music was that loud .
Disappointedly she walked back. Along the long journey back to the room she couldn't recognise, she had met a group of three ladies, having fun their own way.
She had obliged their invite to have a drink or two with them. It was awesome. They had a drink contest and had so much fun . it Turned out, that to some point they had similar opinions as her. Just like her they were no men lover. They also nourished the believe that the opposite Gender needed to wiped off the surface of the earth. just like her they all had an ugly experience that initiated their mindset.
It wasn't up to five minute before she got drunk and fell unconscious on the couch.

It was the third time she was throwing up. She blamed it all on Louis who only appeared after she was off and took her home . How lucky she was, Cynthia was on a night duty and hadn't returned till mid noon the next day .

Loretta paused for a while, realizing She still wasn't aware Louis's were about that Night.

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