Chapter Nine

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   Loretta placed her head on Cynthia's legs, Her heart filled with anxiety. She felt so uncomfortable have the smell of sick people,injections and irritating drugs mix with the air she breathed.
  Cynthia gave her a stern look each time she heard the rumbling of her stomach.
" it sounds like an the ignition of an earthquake..." she complained

"..and it scares the hair on my skin"

"Miss Loretta!"
  A lady at the counter, just opposite the lobby where they already spent almost half an hour in wait, called out

Cynthia gently took her head off her legs
" you're called"  She whispered

"You are up Miss, meet the doctor in room C02 by your left " She smiled

Loretta nodded a thanks and went as directed. The hospital  had a size that was just okay. Not too large or small
  " just a medium size " Cynthia added

" I am quite impressed by their enthusiasm. The workers are up and doing you know " Cynthia added

"Yea! and likewise smart and neat" Loretta snapped
    Loretta pushed opened the door and peeped in .
" He is with someone " She said lowly .
" Close the door and knock" Cynthia suggested

  Loretta pull closed the door and adjusted her dress

" Are you sure we should knock?"

"Yea" Cynthia smiled  
    As Loretta made to hit her hand against the door someone opened it

"Welcome Miss Loretta, I have been anticipating your arrival" Doctor Sam smiled
  Loretta gasped, he was the least person she expected to meet. As a matter of sincerity, she hadn't thought they will ever cross path again
" come on in,Miss"  he said as he opened wide the door

" This is the man that ditched me at the mall "  she whispered to  perplexed Cynthia

  " oh!" Cynthia blushed
" He is cute "
Loretta was stunned " I didn't ask you,admirer !" She Slammed 
  There was a rebooting anger from within.
' He appears so gentle but he isn't, You had better not fall for his trick, Admirer " she yelled

" I am still here ladies " Doc Sam
  Loretta gave out a fake smile as she walked passed him with Cynthia walking behind her

    She sat on a sit just beside Mrs Johnson. The Johnsons had arrived before Her, They claimed they had to make some finalization with the doctor before they let her on the picture.
   Doc Sam picked a file and went through it with series of seriousness written over his face
  "Loretta Douglas,Age 21,weighing 62Kg, Awesome,height about  1.75m, BP 100/50mmHg, alright.....blah blah blah..." he rolled his Biro  down the last line
" ....down to ummm. This.!" He pointed his Biro to something only him could see.
He looked up at Loretta and moved his gaze to every curious being in the room and then back on Loretta

" you are 80% qualify to be a surrogate mother "
  "Why not 100%" Loretta inquired
The only person who appeared surprised by the news but her was Cynthia, The  Johnsons  didn't. All they did was fight hard to avoid eye contact with her

" you see,Miss Loretta " Doc Sam began

"There is what we call surrogacy Law. There is the medical law and as well the legal law. You are quiet qualify by the legal law..." he paused to steal a glance
" But by the medical law, I am sorry,Miss Loretta ,you ain't qualify" He shrugged. 

He handed her a book
   " The fifth law there says, A surrogate mother must be someone with experience and that means....."

" ...I should have at least  a child " she added sadly

" well, That is lame." Cynthia chipped in
" there is always a first time in everything, Even in pregnancy "

" this is a bit different Ma'am " Doc Sam defended

"Oh! really?, why don't you state the difference " Loretta attacked
  " there are women who get pregnant for the first time and you help them through birth and they make it !"
" so what is your point Mr Sam "
  Doc Sam sighed .He needed to make them understand its a law that must be obeyed .

" Alright!, Miss Loretta "
" How many times have you had a sexual intercourse"
  Loretta froze, why was he asking that .It was not any of his bloody business. Everyone turned their look on her, She confided on Cynthia who signalled her that It was okay to answer

" Never." She responded

" The process of getting pregnant in surrogacy is from a huge different from the natural way" Doc Sam explained 
    " A surrogate mother becomes pregnant through the  process of in-vitro fertilization, it involves harvesting eggs from the intended mother and as well the sperm from intended father,the egg and sperm will be placed in different  incubators  where condition is optimum in order to keep them healthy for fertilization."

" you might not fully understand these processes so i will advise you get rid of the idea for your own safety "

"How does my virginity stop me from being a mother" Loretta asked stubbornly

" Because you are a virgin,Miss Loretta, and haven't been pregnant,There is no prove of your fertility as a woman and how do we know that you can carter for a pregnancy that is not yours?"

" Looking out side that box" he went on
   "When a man gains access into you and force breaks your hymen, there is a sensual pain. why don't you imagine how hurtful it will be when it broken by the head of a baby which could be about 11.4 centimeter in diameter, that triples an average erect manhood"

"I am sorry people. But every single decision we make is for your safety and life prolonging "

Loretta bowed her head in total disappointment. How was she going to pay back Uncle Luke.

"Thanks for you time,Mr Johnsons, i will give you a call once there is another interest " Doc Sam assured as they shook hands ..
Loretta felt sorry, she wished there was something she could do she remained quiet as the Johnsons existed, She had disappointed them.
" Miss Loretta, i would love to have a word or two with you" Doc Sam called out as she made to leave with Cynthia .

Loretta sat facing him, The only thing she felt in her heart for him hatred,The other day, he took her to the mall and left her and now he stopped her from making so much money .
" I am sorry about the other day"
"I had to attend urgently to a   woman ..."

"Tell me why you called me back" Loretta interrupted

" I am really sorry you lost such a contract " he smiled
" but i have another for you..If you cant be a Surrogate then you can be a donor "

" make me understand "
" You see, every woman is born with all the eggs they are ever going to have, and don't make any new eggs all their lifetime. Women are born with approximately two million eggs in the ovary. Sadly, about a  thousand dies every month prior to puberty, What a loss!" He threw his arms opened in the air
   " I am bringing you a one time life opportunity. Donate  this eggs for handsome amount of money " He smiled  

"Medical reports says, not every woman is born with an hymen" Loretta ignored his suggestion

"what if i am one of them?, will i be able to be a surrogate for the Johnsons ?" She asked

" How do we know Ma'am if you are without a hymen?"

" oh, there is a way to find out" Doc Sam smiled sheepishly

" If you will let me in i will make discoveries " He said and gave her a wink while he licked his lip

"you are disgusting " Loretta muttered as she picked her purse and walked out .

" Think about the donation " he yelled .

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