chapter twenty two

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  The court room had a spectator area in the back, separated by a bar from the rest of the court room, where members of the public sat in. Defendant who were free on bail also sat in the spectator area of the court room until their cases are called by the clerk. The judge had his bench on the podium, at the front of the court room.

  Loretta was led to sit with her hands cuffed at the spectator area. Few minute into her arrival the judge walked in.

The clerk gave an order for respect to his arrival and every being present in the room, obeyed as they gave the judge a standing ovation to welcome him as it was the tradition of a court.

   Once he was sited, everyone followed suit. Loretta's blood was pumping real fast. She had sighted Cynthia and kelvin few sits away. They were her only hope to live.

   Just in a jiffy. The resounding voice of the judge made her aware of the moment she was getting into.

  "Ladies and gentle men of the jury, this is the criminal case of the Murder of late Doctor Samuel Darlington" .

  He turned his attention to the attorneys in the room, and a gave a start signal.

  The plaintiff had his sit on the right side directly opposite that of the defendant. Loretta was called up to the dock, where She was going to be tried by the defendant.

  Diego walked to the well and paid respect to the judge before proceeding to her, after she was made to swear the oath of saying nothing but the truth.

  "On the  22nd of July, at about 2:45pm  just after the rain had its pour on the earth. Doctor Samuel  Darlington, A gynaecologist at Crescent teaching hospital, was found,murdered, in a pool of his blood.

   "Investigating officers, reported you, Miss Loretta to be the last call he made ten minutes for the incidence."

"can you tell the court why he had to make a call across to you before his death".

  Loretta sighed as she spoke with her voice trembling. She had answer the same question when Diego visited her in the cell. There was no need to hide a thing.

   After listening to her, Diego asked to be permitted to call up on Cynthia who testified seeing her at the moment she walked into the house.

  With a few other evidence he had to show, Diego finally end his turn, thanked the judge and went back to his position.

  Loretta remained unmoved as she waited for the plaintiff. She knew it was going to be a hard but sincerely hoped to be pitied.

  He took his position in the well, right after he gave respect to whom it was due. He faced Loretta.

"Apart from the fact that you had a little quarrel with my colleague..." he pointed to Diego.

  " ....and had to walk out, which is obviously what all women do...."

   He couldn't complete his statement. His voice was made fade by the murmuring from the crowd in response to his statement. It seemed like his words didn't go down well with the women present.

  The judge banged his gravel on the desk and gave an other for decorum.

    He turned to the plaintiff and gave  a stern warning.

" Have you Met with Dr Sam, in any place but the hospital, Like a bar?" he inquired.

Loretta shook her head slowly. She doubted she had.

  " About five months back. you were seen with Doctor Sam in a club, as it was your thing to visit one daily."

   Loretta gasped. She thought the man was Biting more than he could chew. It was not her thing to attend clubs.

  " i worked in a club, I had to earn a living" she retorted.

" So you managed two Clubs, right"

  " I only worked in a bar at one club. I don't Manage clubs"

  " well My point, Miss Loretta is this. Five months back, you were seen walking into a club, More like a sex center with a lady, about your height and three hours later you walked out with Dr Sam as the third party, and yet you deny ever meeting him in odd places".

   Loretta bit her lip. It was difficult to fathom what  he was driving  at. Besides she didn't recall ever meeting with Dr Sam on that night.

  He glared at him. He definitely was asking a rhetorical question. She had no response to what he said.

"what were you doing in the club with doctor Sam?" 

   Loretta bowed her head, suddenly feeling shameful .

  " I didn't know Mr Sam was there. I was drunk" she whispered.

" I am sorry, Can you say that to the court's hearing"

She raised her brow exposing her red watery eyes.
" I was drunk!" she yelled.

" yes i was, I went out with a female friend. Had some drinks with my female friends, and got drunk."

" Hear me out loud and clear, court!, Yes i might have gone to a Club as dirty as that, doesn't Mean, I am capable of murdering. Besides most of you here visit worst places. It is My personal life" She cried.

   The court room was dead quiet.

" That will be all for Now, your honour" The plaintiff took a bow and walked back to is sit.

  "This court is adjourned to t 25th july  2010" The judged announced.

Right after his pronouncement came the command of the bailiff " All rise!" as everyone went on a standing ovation to honour the judge out.

  Diego blocked Loretta as she was being led back to her lonely room.

" why did you choose to keep your encounter at the club from me" he asked struggling real hard to bury his anger.

" I really didn't think it would be necessary " came Loretta's sad reply.

" I will meet you tomorrow, but be ready to tell me everything, especially things that are less important. "

    Cynthia had a swollen eye while she stopped her running nose  with an handkerchief, She held kelvin firmly as she walked up to Loretta.

   Loretta bent her head, trying to avoid her gaze. She felt guilty.  Hiding her encounter that night from Cynthia was a total act of betrayal.
   Cynthia hushed her apology. She said it could wait until she was out.

  As she was driven away in the police fan. She wished she could wipe the tears than rolled down Kelvin's chin. The sight of him in that state shattered her emotions.

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